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Who are you?

The question that you get asked on a regular. Most of the time you would reply with 'I'm Red' or 'Who I am doesn't matter', but so far your responses have changed. If you recall, Levi asked you this question not too long ago. You were unsure of how to respond then and you're unsure now. You stared down at your lap and thought for a moment. You've gone through some major changes in such a short time. Is this what people call 'character development?'. You didn't know. Elijah smiled apologetically at you.

"You're unsure, right?" He asked, causing you to raise your head to look at him. "That's alright. Sometimes we need time to find who we really are." You scoffed lightly.

"Do you know who you are, Fletcher?" You asked, a daring glint in your eye. He laughed, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"I'm Elijah Fletcher, wielder of the Hell Eye Canceler and shifting powers. I'm confident in my flirting skills and need to work on my fighting skills. I love rice balls and potatoes and dislike anything super spicy. I wish to settle down with someone I love and have at least one kid," he replied with ease. You lightly smirked at him.

"It seems you've got your life sorted out," you commented, your black eye clashing with his gold eye. He shook his head sheepishly.

"That's only my goal. Doesn't mean I'll achieve it."
You rolled your eyes at him.

"So... your turn," he urged, nodding at you encouragingly. You sighed and thought for a moment.

"I'm... Y/n L/n, wielder of the Hell Eye and other inhuman skills. I'm confident in my killing ability and need to work on my social skills. I love..." You paused and thought for a moment. You really didn't know what you loved. The three things you loved either died or betrayed you. "... I love my horse, Star, and I dislike people and the stupid shit they do and say. I wish... I wish to settle things with my mother and father once and for all." He smiled, seemingly satisfied with your answer.

"See? You know who you are."
You shook your head and leaned over.

"I hesitated, Elijah. Someone who truly knows themselves don't stutter when talking about themselves." You sighed, raking your fingers through your hair frustratingly.

"You're a lot different from when I first met you though," he admitted, chuckling lightly. "When you and I first met, you were so mad and I felt like I was going to die." You snorted.

"Be grateful you aren't dead. You're the first person who's been spared by me."

"I'm honored."
You sighed and sat up again, leaning back against the headboard. There was a knock at the door, causing you and Elijah to turn your head.

"What is it?" You called out. The door slowly opened and Levi walked in, a bored expression on as usual. He stopped, seeing Elijah sitting next to you.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked. You glanced at Elijah who seemed nervous around him. That made you wonder if something happened.

"Not at all. What did you need?" You replied, crossing your legs.

"I was going to check up on you and your wrist, but it's obvious I don't need to anymore," he replied, annoyance laced in his voice. You hummed.

"My wrist is fine. There's nothing to worry about, shithead."
His eyebrow twitched.

"Why the hell haven't you called me by my name?" He asked, slightly irritated. You sighed and closed your eyes.

"Think of it as a nickname," you suggested.

"You've been calling me that since day one."
You opened your eyes.

"Red calls me by my name..." Elijah muttered. Levi glared at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Did... something happen?" You asked, looking in between the two males. Levi glanced back at you.

"Nothing you should be concerned about."

"Well I am concerned."


Three days ago~

Elijah sighed and leaned his head against the doorframe, watching over your sleeping self. Once you got back to HQ, you immediately went to sleep and stayed asleep. He knew what you were going through so he understood. Elijah felt a presence stop next to him.

"Red's beautiful when she sleeps, huh?" He said to the man next to him. Levi hummed and crossed his arms.

"Why don't you enter her room instead of standing here?" He asked back. Elijah shook his head.

"I don't think Red would like that. According to Wesley, Red's a light sleeper and will immediately attack anyone who she senses. I'm fine where I am," he replied with a smile. Levi stared at him before looking back towards you. The fond look on Elijah's face made it obvious he had feelings for you. Or were beginning to feel something for you. He subconsciously tightened his hold on his arms.

"You like her," Levi stated monotonously, though there was something else swirling in it. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and he immediately spluttered out an answer.

"Wh-what?! Where did that come from?!" He stumbled over his feet, but Levi just looked at him, unamused.

"I can see it in the way you look at her, dumbass."
Elijah scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"It-it's not like I love her, or anything. I'm just grateful for her. She saved my life when I was on the verge of death. Not only that, she actually didn't kill me," he explained, a content smile on his face. He turned his head to the raven haired man. "What about you? You seem pretty close to her." Levi scoffed lightly.

"I have no obligation to share my feelings with you," he replied sassily. Elijah lightly pouted.

"But..." He began, standing up straighter and crossing his arms as well. "If you do get together with Red, then you have a lot of jagged puzzle pieces to fit together."
Levi looked at Elijah in confusion. He caught on and sent a small smile in his direction.

"Red is... broken. In more ways than one. It'll take great patience and a lot of time to get Red back to how she was originally," Elijah explained. "So just... be patient with her. Red is a lot more depressed than you think she is." 

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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