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"Wha-what do you want from me?"

"Nothing much. Just your confession... then your life."

"I-I didn't do anything! I swear! Please! Don't hurt me!"

"I can't guarantee nothing will happen to you. Unless you want to confess."

"Pl-please!! I-I didn't do it!! Le-let go of me!! Do-don't hurt me!!"

"Then you better be quick on confessing."

"Okay! Okay! I did it! I did it all! I-I didn't mean to throw her down the stairs, but-but I didn't want to get caught! I'm sorry! Please, spare me! I confessed! Now let me go!"

"No one told you it's not that simple, huh? Pity. Not to mention you have a pretty face. Too bad it's going to get bashed in."


As soon as Levi drew his blade, you whipped your wire. It caught onto your gun and you retracted it. The gun was flicked back into your grasp. You shot as Levi's feet, but he maneuvered away. You shot more at him, but he dodged all of them. It seemed he was more versatile with the 3DMG. You put your gun in its holster and pulled out your sword, running towards and up the wall to the roof across from you. Levi shot his hook right next to you and flew towards you. Your two swords clashed against each other, both of you pushing against one another.

"I will find out who you are, Red. And when I do you're going to regret ever being born...!" Levi growled despite being overpowered by you.

"Get it line and good luck. You're not the first, nor will you be the last," you replied, pushing him away and slashing at him, nicking his clothes and tearing a small hole in it. Levi clicked his tongue. "You're not going to beat me, Ackerman. Just admit it." You flicked your sword menacingly.

"Tch. Don't underestimate me, you bastard!" He exclaimed. You shook your head.

"You're wrong. In fact, I think I'm over estimating you. Sad... Humanities Strongest Soldier can't even defeat a thug," your taunting voice said. The voice distorter only provoked him more. He growled. He knew he wouldn't beat you stealth wise. There was a good chance he'd die too. He was hoping Hanji or Erwin had a back up plan. You aimed your gun right in between his eyes. You began pulling the trigger.

"Wait!" A voice echoed. You stopped and turned your head towards the source of it, but never lowered the gun. A few roofs across from you was Hanji Zoe of the Survey Corps.

"What do you want?" You asked, your voice carrying.

"We don't mean any harm! We were just curious of you!" Hanji shouted back. You tilted your head slightly.

"Curious? Of me?" You repeated. Hanji nodded her head violently.

"Yeah! Yeah! It's just you've become so well known around here we had to come see for ourselves!" She exclaimed. You hummed.

"I see. Is that why you set up an ex-prisoner as a decoy to lure me into a trap that I didn't take?" You asked, flicking the safety button and lowering the gun.


"You can come out, Commander Erwin." Your voice raised. There was a thump before Erwin came into your vision. He was on the roof right next to you. His face was stoic and serious, his swords at the ready. "How honoring. I never realized I gained so much attention as to be graced with the Survey Corps' Commander, Corporal, and Squad Leader." You truly were amazed, however, that amazement didn't last long.

"Why are here?" You asked, voice hardening.

"I'll be honest, we have no real reason. You could say we were curious of you. It was hard to pinpoint your location," Erwin replied. Ass kisser, huh?

"Don't bullshit me, Smith. Did Dok put you up to the task?"

"Yes. He and I worked out an agreement," he replied. Your eyes narrowed, but they couldn't see.

"I should kill you where you stand. All of you. However that would go against the code that my boss and I had created. So consider yourselves lucky. My original target escaped thanks to you," you hissed out, turning around.

"Who's your boss?" Erwin asked.

"I don't know his name. He doesn't know mine either. We don't care to know each other," you replied before jumping off the roof and hooking your wire into a building and retracting it, swinging from one building to another using only your leg momentum and your arm strength. (Like Batman/Spider Man)

"Amazing..." Hanji breathed, seeing you swing away. "It's takes insane core strength and arm muscles to do that so fluently." Hanji a blush came to her face.

"I would not want to be on the receiving end of their fist," Erwin added, coming to stand behind Hanji.

"Tch." Is all Levi said as he came swinging down next to the both of them.

You swung from rooftop to rooftop trying to find your target. Your keen eyes scanned the darkened terrain below you. You stopped on the side of a house and tried to listen closely. Your ear twitched when you heard a slight sniff coming from an alleyway. You jumped off the side and began walking slowly towards the alleyway. When you got in front of it, it was a dead end. And at the end was no other person except the one you're looking for.

"So... you think you can run away from me and live?" Your voice rang out. The man snapped his head up and an actual waterfall of tears went down his face as he scrambled closer to the wall.

"Wa-wait! Pl-please! Don't hurt me!!!" He exclaimed.

"Let me tell you something," you began, stopping in front of him to talk. "I have targeted exactly 7,837 people in the ten years I've been free. None of them, not one... has ever escaped my grasp and lived. You're definitely not going to be the first one." His eyes widened unnaturally at your story as he scrambled to his feet and began screaming for help. As fast as lightning you pulled out your gun and shot. Red splattered against the back wall as he went sliding down, a trail of crimson blood following him. You placed your gun back in its holster and turned around, leaving the body to rot. Up on the roof, the three superiors had haunted looks on their faces. Color was drained from their faces. It was if the soul was sucked out of them.

"7,83... 7?" Hanji trailed off. Erwin sighed deeply.

"We're dealing with a bigger situation than we thought."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora