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Your body slowly became numb and turned a sickly blue and purple color. Petra crouched next to you and stared unsympathetically.

"That Hell Eye is no match for me. It doesn't matter how much you injure me. I'll just regenerate," she said, smirking lightly. The skin right below your belly button turned blue and was making its way to your chest. You knew once it reached your heart, you would die. Suffocate. However, you weren't going down that easily. You reached over and grabbed Petra's ankle, squeezing it with what strength you had left. Petra gasped in confusion. You raised your head slowly and looked at her, the red ring turning deep blood red.

"I won't be beaten that easily..." You hissed, the skin on your shoulder blades slowly ripping in half. The blood sprang out and formed a pair of wings that dripped blood onto the floor and towered over you. Petra yelped, backing out of your grasp, and hitting the wall. Your body immediately regained feeling and you stood up, your wings flapping and spraying blood everywhere. A small puddle appeared at Petra's feet and she unmistakably pissed her pants. You launched forwards and glided against the ground. You body slammed into Petra, through the wall, and into the hallway. You slid on your feet and Petra rolled around a few times. You ran towards her and sent a punch her way. She dodged and your fist collided with the wall, cracking it from floor to ceiling. Petra skipped away from you. Your wing took another shape and snapped after Petra. She shielded her face with her arm, but the blood whip sliced through her arm. 

Petra let out a scream of both pain and fear. The blood that was now exposed was sucked up by your wing. The blood retracted back to you and took on its original shape. You felt your body tingle from your fingers to your legs. You held out your arm and aligned your hand with Petra's body. She yelped in fear and turned around. She began to run down the hall, away from you. You clenched your hand and she froze in place. Petra cried out in utter terror. How could she of been so foolish? Your knowledge and analytical skill was far beyond hers. You knew more about the Canceler in five minutes than she knew about the Hell Eye in two weeks. You threw your arm down and she went flying back towards you, rolling and slamming against the ground. She stopped at your feet and looked up at you, the terror turning to horror. Blood dripped down from her head and past her eye. You leaned down and hovered your hand over her golden eye that belonged to Elijah. Blood pooled around the eye and floated upwards. With one violent jerk of your arm, the eye was yanked out of her skull, pulling away from the optic nerve. She screamed as blood dripped down her cheek in substitution for tears, since she couldn't cry anymore. At least not from her right eye.

"Pl-please! Don't kill me! I'm sorry!!" She screeched, tears running out of her left eye. You hummed in question and looked down at her in contempt.

"I see... if that's the case..." You started, hovering your hand over her face, causing her to let out another yell. "Say 'I'm sorry' a thousand times. Then I'll let you go."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
You slowly clenched your hand, popping Petra's other eye out.

"I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" Petra's voice raised in panic at the feeling of her other eye being pulled out. You were sure Levi was able to hear you, as well as Hanji, but you didn't mind. Your wing slowly turned into a steady stream of blood and entered Petra's mouth. She choked, and began to cough up and gurgle the blood. The stream went down her trachea and entered her lungs. The blood balled up and shot out of her chest like spikes. Blood gurgled and spluttered out of Petra's mouth. The blood receded back into her body and out of her mouth and recreated your wing. Petra's eye was hanging by the optic nerve against her cheek. Your blood wings retracted back into your body. Well, you definitely weren't getting into heaven.

 You sighed and collapsed against the wall out of exhaustion. The deep red ring turned back to a lighter red before disappearing. Your eye began to severely burn and constantly lose focus. You placed your hand over your eye and figured you must've been going blind. Or at least temporarily blind. Blood had seeped through your fingers and trailed down your hand. Speaking of eyes, you need to get Elijah's eye back to him before it dries up. You pushed off the wall and began to slowly walk back to where Levi was. When you reached the room Levi was in, he was still bound to the chair. What stopped you from entering, however, was the paleness of his face. The expression he wore was that of someone who had seen the most grueling and brutal thing in the world. So he must've heard it... Petra's cries. Your eyes lowered to the ground and without a word, you walked away back to where Elijah and Hanji were. Maybe they didn't hear anything from their place. You never realized how far your eye could be pushed. That was a new experience for you. The events that piled on top of each other began to take its toll on you. Your head was pounding. Your vision, or what was left of it, was blurring. There was nothing but ringing in your ears, and you felt like your body turned to lead. You collapsed.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora