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You and the rest of the squad, minus Armin, were perched up high in the trees. After you and Sasha had told the team of the incoming footsteps, you all moved near a small creek while Armin was the bait. You watched up above. The sound of the flowing water would catch their attention--whoever they might be. Your gun was drawn and ready to pounce down. The footsteps grew close enough that you could hear them. Your eyes were locked in the direction where they were coming from, and not a second longer, two people carefully walked out from under the branches. Their shotguns were cocked and ready.

'Military Police, huh?' You thought, seeing the insignia on their cloaks. The male and female cautiously walked up to Armin who was scooping up water into two buckets.

"Don't move!" You heard him say. "Slowly turn this way." Two stopped walking. Armin raised his hands in surrender before slowly getting up from his knees.

"You must be a scout," the man said as Armin turned around to face him. "Just like that... not a word. Now, listen to me and do as I--" You and Levi struck down before he finished his sentence. His sword was raised to his throat and your gun was pressed under her chin.

"That's right... hand over your guns to the one in the front," Levi ordered. Armin walked forward and grabbed the shotguns from their hands.

"And not a word, right?"
Without hesitation, you swept her legs out from under her and sat on her back. Your gun was still pointed at her.

"You guys can come out now," you called out. Connie, Jean, Mikasa, and Sasha appeared from the bushes and trees. The two of them knew they were outnumbered and beaten.

A few minutes later, you had the two tied up and stripped them of their gear and cloaks. Their wrists were bound with rope while Sasha and Connie were on the lookout. You and Levi were sitting on a rock directly across from them. While you were idly sitting there, the flapping of wings drew your attention. You looked up at the trees and saw a crow sitting on one of the branches. It didn't seem to be doing anything and was just watching. Except there was something odd about this crow. Like it it was intently observing you.

'Peculiar.' You thought.

"Captain. Miss."
You looked up and saw Jean standing in front of you two with paper in his hand. You and Levi each took one.

"Now, then," he said, standing up. You read the paper and saw it was information on the two soldiers in front of you. "Stohess District Military Police. Private Marlo Freudenberg." He placed his blade over his shoulder and walking past him.

"Same assignment, Private Hitch Dreyse," you spoke after him, stopping right next to her. You felt Marlo's lingering gaze on you. More specifically, on your hand. So it's true... former criminal Y/n L/n really is married to the Captain Levi...! "Question is, how will we get rid of you?" The two audibly gasped at your question.

"Because of you guys, over a hundred people from Stohess District was killed!" Hitch exclaimed.

"Huh?" Both you and Levi said together.

"Hey!" Marlo warned.

"You people... you might think that you're all heroes of justice, but the victims and their families were dropped straight into hell!" She exclaimed again.

"You think we don't know?" You inquired. She was obviously frustrated at your nonchalant tone.

"You there... you're from the Southern Cadet Corps, yeah? Just like Annie Leonhart. Were you friends of hers?" She directed her question to Jean, Mikasa, and Armin who stood in front of them. "No... I doubt she had any friends. Being as gloomy and aloof as she was. It's like she was a kid afraid of other people... I never got the chance to know anything about her. And the reason they still haven't found her... is because she was pulverized by a titan into a puddle of jelly!" She turned her head to yell up at Levi. Your finger twitched.

"No... because the titan in hiding was... Annie Leonhard herself." He broke the news quite brashly. Hitch and Marlo gasped. It seems they didn't know. "Goddammit, it makes me sick. Nobody knows a damn thing about this world... not us or anyone else. Except for those bastards at the center of it all."

"We'll release you both as soon as we get out of here," he said to the two of them. They looked down at the ground. You walked next to Levi and eyed the spot where you saw the crow, but it was gone. It must've flew off.

"Annie was..." Hitch trailed off.

"Miss L/n! Captain Levi! Please let me help you!" Marlo suddenly exclaimed, "I don't think what you guys are doing is wrong! If I can help correct this world's injustice, I'll do whatever it takes!"

"What's with this guy?" Levi questioned.

"I beg of you, Captain Levi!"

"Don't be a dumbass, Fruedenberg," you spoke up, "You sure as hell aren't ready to make the government an enemy. We're not taking any chances of you fucking us up and over." You walked past the two.

"She's right." Levi followed you, putting his blade away. "Let's go." He began to walk away with Armin, Mikasa, and you.

"Sasha, tie them up somewhere nearby. Don't let them escape," you ordered.

"Yes, ma'am!" She replied, running over the creek.

"Captain," Jean said as you were passing him. Levi stopped, as did you. "Please let me do it." You looked down at the two-tone haired soldier.

'I see... so he wants redemption.' You thought. Levi looked up at you, but you just shrugged before turning your head away.

"Knock yourself out," Levi approved, resuming his walking. A few minutes into the walk, no one has spoken a word. You were at the front of the group, your pace slow. However, when the trees were more dense in that part of the forest, you stopped. Your head was dead set on the dark side of the trees.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked, coming to your side.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you." You dodged the question.

"Is someone following us?" Armin questioned from behind you. You shook your head in response.

"No, but something is there," you replied, "Go. I'll be with you soon." Levi looked at you for a few more seconds.

"Fine. Let's go," he agreed, walking past you on the trail. The others followed behind him, sending you concerned glances your way. You just brushed them off. Once they were out of earshot, you fully turned your body.

"Come on out. I know you're there," you called out. The same crow you saw before flew out from the shadows of the leaves and swooped down to land on your shoulder. A small piece of paper was tied to its leg. It wasn't there before. You stared at it for a second, a little taken aback from its sudden appearance. You quickly got over your slight shock and gently undid the string from its leg, unrolling it. Bright red ink was in contrast to the white paper.

     It certainly has been a while since we last spoke. How is Hanji doing? Hopefully she hasn't killed herself in the midst of all this chaos. Besides that, I'm sure you're wondering why I've decided to contact you after so long from our first meeting. My fellow associate, if that's what you'd call her, has successfully made a prototype of a new set of guns. From my knowledge, I understand one of your twin guns was damaged and no longer in working condition.

     If you wish to trade, then just say so to Nuntius. And don't worry, I'll come along with you to the associate that created them. In return, I'll need information on a certain person I'm currently hunting down. The only condition for this trade is it needs to be done in complete privacy. You may tell Levi, but I would prefer you not to. Also, do not tell Hanji. I don't want her sending me letter after letter. 

~ R.A'

'R.A? Ruby... Akuma?" You thought, gazing at the note with narrowed eyes. You looked back at the crow, but it just cawed at you, as if telling you to say your answer. You sighed quietly, rolling the note back up and placing it inside your pocket.

"I cannot give Ruby a specific time, but whenever the opportunity comes, I'll tell you if you're around." You felt stupid talking to an animal, but it seemed to understand because it cawed before taking off into the sky.

'Why is Ruby contacting me all of a sudden?'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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