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Because Wattpad's being a bitch2

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Because Wattpad's being a bitch2.

Edit: Again, what's with the ugly ass avatars bruh

You slowly woke up, leaning against something rather soft. Your head was leaned over and your neck was sore from being unconscious.

"Oh! You're awake?" You heard a cheerful voice chirp. It gave you a bigger headache than you already had. You moved your arm, but saw it was chained and attached to another arm. Your brows furrowed and you turned your head around to see a tuft of white hair. The person turned around and smiled at you.

"Yo! How are you doing? You were asleep for a long time," her happy voice asked. She looked liked you, but she didn't act like you at all. Instead of h/c hair and white streaks, she had white hair and h/c streaks. Her black eye was her right and not her left. She wore a smile on her face instead of a scowl.

"Who are you?" Your stone cold voice clashed with her cheery and calm voice. She laughed loudly and turned back around to face the front.

"Even with your intelligence you still can't tell?" She asked, humor laced in her voice. You growled lightly and turned back around. "I'm you. Well... I'm anti you." Your head snapped back around like an owl.

"Excuse me?" You asked, not fully believing what you heard. She giggled and turned back around as well.

"I'm you! The opposite of you. While you're brooding and cold, I'm warm and hyper! Ya know! The opposite!" She exclaimed with a wide smile. You groaned and slouched against her back while she giggled. "... I saw your argument with Levi." You hummed in question.

"How would you know?" You asked back. She chuckled quietly.

"I see everything, duh. I may have cried a little too."
You sighed and lowered your eyes to the darkness below you.

"Levi loves you, Y/n. It's obvious he does," she reassured, though you weren't that sure yourself.

"You're saying that because you're the 'anti' me. After that whole fiasco with Petra, I'm sure Levi's dying to get away from me."
She hummed in reply and understanding.

"There's a lot of fear in your heart, Y/n. I feel it. Mind telling me what they are?"
You lightly scoffed, a small smile coming to your face.

"I have no fears, Anti."

"Maybe you're not fearful of other people, but you're fearful of yourself. And unless you address them, they're never gonna get better," she countered. Damn, you had a good point. You were silent for a moment and Anti knew you were trying to collect your thoughts.

"... it's not that I'm scared of myself. It's that I'm scared of what I'll do. You saw how I was with Petra. Levi heard her screaming and yet I still killed her. Not just him, either. How will all of them react?" You sighed, combing your fingers through your hair.

"Did you express this worry with Levi?"

"How could I? He can't help my fear of acting out. Not like he would listen anyways..." Your voice quieted down. Anti laughed loudly and snorted.

"You sound so weird talking like that. You need more positivity now and them," Anti said with a smile. You leaned your head against the back of hers.

"Didn't you see Levi's face? What makes you say he still loves me? Or any of them?" You asked. Anti sighed and allowed you to lean against her.

"I know because... I just do... talk to him though. You'll find out for yourself. Trust me."
The black atmosphere around you slowly began to crack and crumble away.

"How sad... I wish you and I got to spend more time together," Anti said, her skin slowly cracking like a porcelain doll. Your lips twitched into a smile.

"Yeah... I feel... content. Thank you, Anti," you replied, the floor slowly crumbling towards you. Anti began to crumble into dust as well.

"I'll see you later, Y/n. Do me a favor and try to be happy, okay?" She asked as her body crumbled into dust and was blown away from an unknown current. The platform around you broke apart and you felt yourself plummeting into the abyss that you assumed was your subconscious.

"She's been unconscious for two weeks. If this keeps up, she might never wake up."
Hanji and Levi were standing in the infirmary next to you. After the whole ordeal with Petra and shit, you had passed out and was found by Hanji who thought you were gone for a long time. Hanji was also able to restore Elijah's eye without problem so that was good. Cordelia and Pierce explained everything to Hanji, but still have no idea where the file with your information was. Maybe Petra turned it in to the Military Police or maybe she got rid of it. They'll never know unless it turns up. Or maybe it won't.

"She'll wake up. She's stronger than that. I know she is," Levi protested, grasping your hand in his and squeezing. Hanji sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. For once, he didn't react.

"Alright... but if she doesn't wake up in the next week or so, we may... have to let her down."
Levi's grip on your hand tightened.

"She'll wake up. I know she will."
Hanji stared at Levi in remorse. The one person he loved was in a coma because he fucked up and said things he didn't mean. This never would have happened if he had kept his giant mouth closed. Hanji removed her hand from his shoulder and wordlessly walked out of the room, leaving Levi alone with you.

"... I don't know if you can hear me... but if you can... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for saying the things I said, and for raising my voice at you. I'm not going to justify my actions for the sake of my defense. It's my fault that you're like this. It's my fault that you're here right now instead of in my arms... I'm sorry." 

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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