The World Through Her Eyes

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Ten years before all of the horrible things had happened to you, you were a sixteen year old girl—an innocent young girl who was dragged against your will into a world of torture and experiments. You hadn't seen daylight in years, nor have you ever seen another person. Except the other children who were dragged into the same situation you were in. You were malnourished. Severely malnourished. You had little to no muscle and the only thing keeping you alive were the daily overdoses of IV into your veins. Your arms were chained down to the floor, but there was no point. You could barely move and if you tried to, without a doubt, you'd break a bone. Your cell was dark and humid. The floor was littered with dead rats and carcasses. Your 'bed' had mystery stains on it from the last victim that was before you. You were in line for the testing of the 'Hell Eye' as they called it. You were ripped away from your family for this. It's been so long you almost forgot about the word 'family'.

"No-no!! Let me go!! Stop!!" The cries of the next unfortunate child echoed throughout the basement you were placed in. You heard the sound of slapping feet before two bone-thin hands gripped the metal bars. "Please help—please help me!!!" They had cried before they were torn away and taken upstairs to the laboratory. Your face remained blank. Your dull eyes never left the floor even when the screaming never stopped. This was how it was for you. Soon enough, it'll be your turn to endure what they are. Two members had walked up to your cell to look at you, their faces contorting into ones of disgust.

"This one looks like a walking skeleton, yet She believes she'll be able to handle it?" The one asked. The cross he was wearing was hanging upside down, gleaming in the torch light.

"If that's what She believes. This one doesn't react to anything anymore, let alone torture." They had unlocked your cell and walked up to you, freeing you from the shackles and hauling you up. You had trouble standing on your two legs and fell back down to the floor pathetically. The one looked to the other and sighed before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You locked eyes with the floor and saw it change from bloody cobble to clean stone. It was like night and day. The steps that led to the laboratory were solid, not making any creaks or cracks. Once you had arrived upstairs, the member not holding you opened the door. When you had entered, you moved your head to the right side of the room. Your eyes widened and your body both froze and shook with fear. Up against the opposite wall was a pile of dead children. Naked, bloodied, and some mutilated. You saw the child from before lying right at the bottom of the pile, her dead, lifeless eyes staring directly at you. You felt yourself being placed on a metal table. Your clothes were stripped away, leaving you bare in front of dozens of members. The main woman, Rhea Nhor, walked up to the table and looked down at you, her snake-like yellow eyes looking at you expectedly.

"Begin the process," she ordered. Three members gathered around you, holding various things in their hands. The one tied both your arms and legs to the table, but there was no use since you could barely move them anyway. A speculum was placed in your eyes to hold your lids open. The one was holding a jar full of liquid and an eye in it.

"How should we do it?" One asked, turning their head to face her.

"Enucleation. But do it fast," she replied. The sharp, thin blade of a scalpel was mere centimeters from your eye and before you knew it, he had raised his arm and struck it back down, driving the sharp scalpel deep into your eye. You saw white before it turned black. The severe burning sensation never stopped. You could barely feel your eye being pulled out of its socket. When it was loose enough, he ripped his arm back, completely tearing the eyeball from both its socket and optical nerve. You felt blood drip down your cheeks and pool around in it. Your eye widened when you saw the other one remove the eye from the jar and hold it above your head. You felt him squeeze it into your socket, pushing out any excess blood or fluid. You were still blind in that eye, so you couldn't tell if your lids were closed or not.

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