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You jumped off of the wall and hooked your wire into a nearby tree, and slid along the ground to it. You rolled behind it when the fist of the titan came in contact with the dirt, causing it to break apart and kick up debris. You dodged when the titan kicked its foot and smashed it into the tree, raggedly snapping it in half, and sending the top portion over to you. You quickly jumped out of the way before the tree got to you. You heard Eren roar before running and tackling the titan with the armored titan not that far behind him. Your expression turned into a scowl, an animalistic growl coming out of you. You maneuvered your way up and landed on Eren's shoulder.

"Hey, Shitface!!! You can't beat both at the same time!! Let me handle this shitstain and you handle Reiner!!" You shouted into his ear, violently pulling on it, causing him to lean his head towards you.

"I can't! Out of all the things I've lost, I'm not losing another friend!!" Eren screamed back from inside the nape, causing his titan to roar. You pinched his ear harder.

"Idiot, I'm not gonna die that easily, you cunt face!" You looked back at Reiner who was getting closer and sighed in frustration. You jumped off of Eren's shoulder and hooked your wire into the titan's neck, and swung up to it. You unsheathed your sword and spun around, slashing the eyes and quickly backing off, just in case. Eren had resumed his fight with Reiner so that left you with him. You landed on the ground and saw steam arise from its eyes. The titan let out an ear piercing roar, shaking the ground like an earthquake. You maneuvered onto a tree and waited until its roar was over. Your wire was shot into its shoulder and you jumped off the tree, and swung down. You retracted the wire and stayed in the air for a moment. You whipped your wires so that they were wrapped around his arm. You yanked your arm back and the wires pulled on the skin, causing deep lacerations and cuts. You spun around again and slashed at him with your wires, cutting his torso parallel with the wires. You landed on the ground, rolling around a few times before landing on your hands and knees.

'Man... how annoying...' You thought, jumping away to avoid his foot smashing into the ground. You brought out your sword and sliced his fingers off when they tried to grab you. You jumped and slid back.

'Tch... I have no idea how I'm going to do this.' You thought, running towards it and maneuvering behind it. He grabbed your wire and yanked it, causing it to unravel from the glove. The wire was forcibly stopped at the end of it and you were pulled into the titan. You wrapped your arm around the wire and continuously swirled your arm around in a circle, causing the wire to spindle around it. You retracted the wire, causing the sleeves of your jacket to rip apart and blood to spray everywhere. Bone was visible from your arm and you might as well of just cut it off cleanly. 

The titan stepped forwards and aimed a punch at you, but you dodged mid air and rubbed your arm on its fist, smearing blood all over it. You landed roughly on the ground and rolled around a few times, landing on your stomach. You slowly sat up, holding your wounded arm close to your body. There was a cramp in your eye that made it twitch before the titan's arm exploded in a mini explosion. He stumbled back, but regained his composure. He roared loudly, causing the ground to crack and break apart violently. You were tossed up in the air by the waves and breaking of the ground.

'I see...' You thought as you shot your one hook into the titan's arm and swung towards it. You were a little imbalanced due to not being able to use your other arm to steady yourself, but you managed. You barrel rolled from one shoulder to the other, going across the nape and spreading your blood across its shoulders. The titan growled as it tried to grab you from behind, but you had rolled off and was falling to the ground. Your eye cramped again, this time more painfully. The titan's back exploded once again, jerking him forwards. You got up from the ground and ran to the titan, jumping and hooking your wire into the nape of the neck. You swung up to it and used your sword to penetrate through the skin. When you went deep enough, a bright, hot light blasted out from where you had cut it. You were instantly blinded and went falling to the ground. You heard a roar before a loud bang. You crashed onto the ground and rolled like a tumbleweed, not moving once you stopped.

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" You heard Hanji scream. You slammed your hand into the grass and slowly sat up. You've lost a lot of blood from your one arm. Not to mention the several arteries you've cut as well. You're losing blood at an alarming rate, but that didn't seem to stop you.

"Fuckin peachy down here!" You shouted back, sitting on your knees. Your eyes slowly opened, flashing dots dancing across your vision. You hazily looked over towards the titan and barely saw it lying face first on the ground, evaporating. You looked around and saw no signs of the shifter anywhere. "Dammit!" You shouted in frustration, punching the ground with your fist. The ground bent beneath your strength and a crater, a little bigger than your fist, was formed. You sighed and placed your hand on your head, covering your eyes. You've never lost a fight. You've never felt the humiliation of losing. Even though you're not 100% sure you lost this battle or not, your opponent managed to slip away from your grasp. Out of all the people you've targeted and killed, this is the first one who was able to escape your grasp. And you hated it with every fiber of your being.

"It seems you've grown closer to her," Erwin commented, a hint of amusement shining in his blue eyes. His gaze was focused on Levi who was across from him, leaning on the wall. Said man scoffed lightly.

"It's a miracle to be honest. I still can't believe she told me her name," he replied, looking away from him. Erwin hummed in agreement.

"You're feeling different about her. I can tell," Erwin pointed out, smirking a little when he saw Levi's face lose its normal stoic expression.

"Whether or not I feel different about her doesn't matter. Until we can figure out who she truly is there is no room for feelings," Levi replied, crossing his arms. A small chuckle bubbled from Erwin's chest. "What?" Levi quickly grew annoyed at his superior.

"But Y/n has told you some of her past, right? I'm sure there are things she's not completely over yet."
Levi tch'd.

"Whatever the case, I'm sure she's fine. Y/n isn't the type to just submit to her feelings," Levi sighed.

"It seems your feelings for her are more than the eye can see."

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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