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You were informed of what happened during the time you were held captive by your mother. From what you heard, it was an interesting experience. Eren was taken again, this time by Reiner and Bertholdt. Graduates of the 104th Trainee Squad. Along with Ymir. Because of that, not only did the Survey Corps lose half of their veteran soldiers, they figured out the true identity of titans. The titan attack came from Ragako Village from the south side of Wall Rose, which ended up being fine. There was no hole in it. After that spectacle, the new Squad Levi was arranged. Eren and Krista—no, Historia, was also a part of it for means of protection. Currently, they were all in a small house together and you, and Levi were riding to there.

"What's going to happen?" You asked, your eyes closed.

"Who knows? After all that's been happening, I highly doubt any of us are safe any more," he replied from across from you.

"Historia Reiss..." You trailed off, crossing your arms. "Illegitimate daughter to a nobleman. Why the hell would someone like that know diddly shit about the walls?" It sounded like a question, but you were mostly talking to yourself.

"Oi," Levi said. "Quit spacing out. We're here." You looked up and saw the quaint little house with a wagon and horse already present. Once the cart stopped right behind it, you and Levi hopped out of it. Without exchanging any words, you and him both went up the walkway and entered the house. The person who was right next to the door was Historia with an armful of wood. From the looks of it, you two just walked in on some small scuffle between Squad Levi. She was the only one who immediately noticed you, though.

"What's this commotion about?" Levi asked as he walked deeper into the room. Eren noticed his presence next.

'Clean Freak Junior.' You thought, eyeing the broom in his hand. You placed a hand on Levi's shoulder when he stopped in front of the table.

"Oi, the hell's going on?" Your question drew them out of their conversation, if you can call it that. Most of them jumped in surprise, but turned to face you. You heard Levi glide his hand under the table and you slid your hand off of his shoulder. "Can't even leave you shitheads alone for a couple of days." You sighed, crossing your arms. A few of them grimaced at that comment.

"I'm quite sure I gave you enough time." Levi turned to face the group of soldiers. You lightly shook your head in slight annoyance. Eren facepalmed as if he was a distressed mother and Sasha shrugged, a loaf of bread in her hand. "Anyways... we'll discuss your lax cleaning job another time." He wiped his fingers clean with a piece of cloth.

"Eren. Hanji is itching to get the experiment started."

"Ri-right," he replied, seemingly nervous. Your eyes were suddenly drawn out of the window to the woodland outside. Something rustled the branches.

Eren's titan roar echoed through the small clearing you and the others were currently located. It was secluded for secrecy. No one should've been there except for authorized soldiers.

"What kind of pussy ass titan form is that?" You questioned, eyeing his thin, weak body. Levi, Historia, Armin, Moblit, and Hanji were with you on the ledge overlooking everything. Eren crashed face first to the ground, his feeble body completely collapsing.

"What's wrong, Eren?! Get up! The future of humanity is riding on you! Get up, dammit!!" Hanji yelled from next to you. You stood, arms crossed, expression unreadable. To be honest, you didn't expect anything else. Eren had seemed slightly unstable to you ever since he encountered the titan that devoured his mother and Hannes.

"Hey, four eyes," Levi said from your right. "He's not quite the same this time. He's not even ten meters, and some of his body doesn't have muscle. Plus, Eren's ass is hanging out."

"I can see that!!" Hanji exclaimed back. She looked extremely upset over this. "Eren! Can you still move?! Give us a signal or something!" You saw Mikasa jump off of her horse and run to the evaporating body.

"Hey, that gloomy brat is acting on her own again. Time to think up a punishment?" Levi said, walking up closer to the edge.

"No, there's no signal... we're done here!" Hanji replied, jumping down with Moblit following her close behind.

"Wonder what's the matter now," you said, eyeing the scene below you.

"Who knows..." Levi replied flatly. "But, it looks like we've got a long road ahead... before we can use the titan hardening ability to seal the wall." He turned towards Armin who stood behind you.

"Yes... I knew we'd be grasping at straws from the start," the blond replied. Levi turned his eyes back below you.

"Strategically, it's not a bad plan. Instead of lugging tons of supplies, all we need is to get Eren there. Whether or not we're grasping at straws... it all depends on Eren," Levi said. You cracked your jaw as you saw the troops disperse on Hanji's order. Armin began to walk back towards the wagon.

"You ride in the same wagon as Eren," he said to Historia who was beginning to follow Armin. "Y/n and I are headed for Trost District with Hanji's group."

"Okay," she replied quietly. Levi watched her walk away. Ignoring their one sided conversation, you crouched to the ground and placed your hand on the grass, rubbing your hand against the dirt.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Levi asked, now just noticing you.

"Vibrations," you replied briefly. "Faint, but I still feel them. They're not Hanji's or any of others, either." You stood up and looked to the forest.

"It's behind us."
Levi gazed at you for a few seconds.

"Someone's following us, huh?"

"Whoever they are, they're keeping their distance. As of now, it's not smart to start a fight," you replied, beginning to walk away from him and to the wagons.

"Oi," he called out to you. You stopped and turned around, your face as stoic as ever. "Whoever it is who's stalking us, will you be okay?" You let out a light scoff and turned back around.

"You're not dumb, Levi. I can take care of myself."

You and Levi arrived at Trost District, and were currently inside Erwin's small room that he was resting in for now. Levi handed him the report that was written up for him.

"I see... another failure, then," Erwin said once he was done reading. You sat on the chair across from Levi, reading one of the many books that was in the room. "If the plan would have worked out, we could have plugged the hole in Shiganshina District in less than a day."

"It's because we lack information," Levi spoke up, "Might be a different story if there was a book about the hardening ability, but we have Krista. No, Historia Reiss... maybe we learn about the wall through her?" He thought out loud. Your eyes moved from the book to Levi.

'If she wanted to talk about it, she would've.' You thought to yourself.

"I read the entire report about her upbringing. She's the illegitimate daughter of Lord Reiss, and it's by no means a happy story," Erwin said. "But the real mystery here... is why a mere regional lord would know the secrets of the wall. What do you think, Y/n?" Erwin turned his attention to you as did Levi.

"As if I would know," you replied, never taking your eyes off of the book. "There are things obviously going on without our, or even the citizens, knowledge. Maybe Lord Reiss isn't as 'mere' as we think."

"What exactly do you mean?" Erwin asked, lowering the papers. You let out a sigh and closed the book.

"What I'm saying could be wrong, but... Reiss could be more than what we know."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red]

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