Chapter 14- Plastique

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry had gotten Bette from where she was and brought her to STAR labs where Dr. Wells was gonna explain to her how she got her powers.

"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City, a number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy. One of those people, was you." Dr. Wells explains as Caitlin hands Bette a pair of gloves. I stand with my arms crossed next to Barry and listen to Dr. Wells. "You were in Central City 10 months ago." Bette puts the gloves on as she explains her story.

"I had just returned from Afghanistan. I was there refusing road side bombs and...shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back state side. Spent months at the base recuperating and next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me." She says, fastening the gloves and looking at Dr. Wells. "And, Eiling's favorite lab rat."

"The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body." Caitlin tells her.

"I thought Eiling did this to me." Bette says.

"Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you." Dr. Wells says. "Clever enough to see your value."

"Do you know of any others who were changed?" Bette asks.

"There've been a few." Caitlin says and I wave my hand.

"But no one who looks like you." Cisco flirts and Barry drops his arms.

"Dude, there's a child present." Barry says, pointing over at me.

"I'm sorry. That was inappropriate." Cisco says loudly. "Please don't leave." Caitlin then whispers something to him and he shuts up.


"Her cellular structure is unlike anything I've ever seen." Dr. Wells says as Bette sat in the treadmill room, and we were on the other side of the glass.

"Her nitrogen levels are off the charts." Caitlin says before leaving to go into the room with Bette and I follow. The guys talk as Caitlin gets her gloves on and I stand next to Caitlin with my arms crossed.

"So this is your life now, huh?" Bette asks. "Testing people like me?"

"Stopping people like you." Caitlin says and I look down. "It's not what I thought I'd be doing. Aside from Barry, you're the first metahuman that we've tested."

"Metuman?" Bette asks.

"It's just a term." Caitlin says and I frown.

"You've tested me." I tell her.

"Not successfully." Caitlin responds. I get a little nervous at that, but then I see blood on Bette's arm.

"Cait." I whisper, pointing to Bette's arm.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Caitlin asks Bette and she lifts up her sleeve to reveal a bullet hole. "Why didn't you say that you were shot?"

"It just grazed me." Bette says.

"There's something in there." Caitlin says, picking up tweezers. I look back at Dr. Wells and he's paying attention now. Caitlin pulls out a little ball type thing with the tweezers and Bette gasps.

"A tracker.'' Bette quickly says. Caitlin turns around and I hear beeps on the computer.

"Lock down the pipeline." Dr. Wells yells and the ground starts to shake. "Get Bette out of here. Barry, get Mack! I'll take care of Eiling."

Barry looks at the computer screen and then over at me as the room still shook. Then, he walks trough the door.

"Mack..." He says gently. "You gotta stop."

"I don't know how." I say. I see soldiers running passed with guns.

"Mack...come here." Barry says, putting his hand out. The quakes get stronger as I hear more and more heavy footsteps in the hall. Chunks of the ceiling rain down and cracks go up the walls.

"I can't. I'll only hurt you." I whisper with tears in my eyes.

"Mack, just take my hand." Barry says. "Please." Barry says, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm a monster." I say, looking around the place.

"You're not a monster." Barry quickly says, inching towards me. "You're not. You're a bright little carefree girl who's shown me what's it's like to have a baby sister."

I close my eyes and focus, squeezing my hands into fists. Then, the room is still.

I open my eyes and take Barry's hand.

"I did it." I say.

Then, my eyes roll back and I pass out.


Hope you enjoyed. This chapter was a little short but I think the ending of the chapter is gonna be the ending for the episode so the next chapter will be a different episode instead of the rest of 'Plastique'. Tell me what you think. Don't forget to vote and comment. Next chapter will be longer and up in a few days. 


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