Chapter 50- Who is Harrison Wells?

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MacKenzie's POV

"A shape-shifter?" Caitlin asks after Barry explains what happened.

"Yeah. I literally saw a grown man, like, m-morph into a teenage girl." Barry describes.

"Weird." I say.

"That's fascinating." Dr. Wells says right after me. Today's physicists have always regarded programmable matter as nothing more than a theory, but I guess your shape-shifted proves it can be done."

"Wait, so he, or she, or I—Whatever. This person can actually transform into anyone they touch?" Barry asks.

"Yes, It appears so." Dr. Wells says, looking at the model on the computer I was sitting next to. "That included you, Mr. Allen."

"Dr. Wells is right." Caitlin says, coming over. "If you are touched while you're the Flash, and he transforms into you, we run the risk of him exposing that Barry Allen is the man behind the mask."

"Because at this point we don't know of the shape-shifter is capable of absorbing more than just your physical characteristics." Dr. Wells says.

"Like he might be able to copy my speed?" Barry asks.

"That would be bad." Dr. Wells says.

Got it. Hands off the metahuman." Barry says.

"Hands off the metahuman." Dr. Wells repeats.

"So how do we find someone who can transform into anyone?" Caitlin asks.

"Well, I guess like any problem, you just go back to the beginning." Dr. Wells says. "In this case, that would mean finding the first person the shape-shifter morphed into when they discovered their powers."

"Yeah. Can you pull up the CCPD records of cases where the perpetrator plead innocent, even though they were caught on camera committing the crime or something?" Barry asks. Caitlin sits down on the chair in front of the computer to my left.

"You're Good, Barry Allen." Dr. Wells says. "You're very good." Barry stands behind Dr. wells and looks at the computer over his shoulder. Dr. Wells types. "Look at this. Multiple crimes of this manner all dating back to a month after the particle accelerator explosion."

"And the first one was?" Barry asks.

Dr. Wells pulls up the document.

"Jacob Fisher. A teller at the Federal Credit Union." Dr. Wells reads. "Claims he was innocent and was framed by his best friend, a Hannibal Bates."

"I'll pass this along to the CCPD, see if they can track him down." Barry says.

"Good." Dr. Wells says.

"Thank you, Dr. wells." Barry says.

"Always here to help, Barry." Dr. Wells responds and Caitlin looks at Barry. Then she looks back at her computer.


Dr. Wells had already left the cortex and it was like 9:15 at night and Caitlin had told me that after she was done with her work, she would take me to get some food to eat. I'm starving and STAR Labs doesn't really have the best food, cause no one's really supposed to live in here.

Anyways, I was spinning around in a chair as I waited.

"Are you done yet?" I ask Caitlin.

"Yes." She says, grabbing her coat. "Let's go."

We walk out of STAR and get into her car.

"What do you want?" Caitlin asks me.

"A salad." I say with a huge smile.

"Alright." Caitlin says. We drive for a little. "I just need to make one quick stop before food."

"Okay." I say. We drive more and I start to see the neighborhood that Dr. Wells lives in. "What are we doing here?"

"I need to ask Dr. Wells something." Caitlin responds.

We walk up to the door and Caitlin rings the bell.

But then, we're sped away and end up on a backroad with Barry in front of us.

Caitlin stumbles a little.

"What—are you spying on me now?" Caitlin asks Barry.

"Caitlin, what were you doing at Wells' house?" Barry asks her.

"I was gonna talk to him and get some answers of ,y own." Caitlin says.

"That's what we were doing there?" I ask her but she waves me off.

"You can't."Barry says. "You cannot talk to him."

"Oh, so I'm just supposed to stand by and watch all of you ruin this man's life? Ruin our lives?" Caitlin asks, putting her arm around me.

"What are you talking about 'your life'?" Barry asks.

"Those nine months that you two were in a coma we were the worst of my life." Caitlin says. "I lost my reputation, my fiancé, and through all of that, Harrison Wells stood by my side. Mack lost her brother, she got her powers, he was there for her. He told us everything was going to be okay. If Dr. wells is who you say he is, everything I've done since the minute I stepped foot in STAR Labs has been a lie."

"Caitlin, Mack." Barry says. "If I am right about all of this, and you tell him what's been going on, I'll never be able to get my dad out of prison."

"Barry." Caitlin sighs. "

"If not for me, just do it for him." Barry says.

"I can't believe you're pulling the dad card." Caitlin says. "That's a dirty pool, Barry."

"Just until Joe and Cisco get back." Barry says. "Please." Caitlin nods and I follow her and nod too.

"Now can we get some food?" I ask her.

"Sure." She says and we leave to the car.


Caitlin drops me off at STAR labs and I walk to the cortex  

I've made the vent space my room (picture above)putting blankets on the floor and pillows leaning against the walls. 

I crawl into my room and pull the metal vent shut after I'm in. I sit down on a blanket and lean agansint the wall. 

Playing with my cross necklace I look up. 

"Wherever you are in the world Ronnie, I hope you're safe..." I whisper. 

I lay down and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.  


Hope you guys liked that chapter. Comment and vote. Any feedback? Next chapter up SUNDAY  


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