Chapter 41- Fallout

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MacKenzie's POV

I was walking down the hallway of STAR labs after Caitlin had taken Ronnie to Barry's house. Before they had left, I gave Ronnie his necklace back. It felt good. It meant that I had him back. And I liked that.

I was almost at the elevator when I heard footsteps behind me. A lot of footsteps. I back into the corner and watch.

I see army men carrying a body down the hallway.

"Professor Stein?" I whisper and the army men stop.

The ground under me started to shake as I see General Eiling turned to me. I've heard things about him. Bad and scary things.

"Um..." I trail off, breathing rapidly as he stepped closer to me.

"You're a meta too." He says under his breath and I take a step back and gulp. The ground shakes more as I nervously wait for him to talk again. "You're coming with us." He says and he grabs my hand, only to pull away quickly. My quakes hurt him and the army aim their guns at me.

I start to back away with my hands up.

A shot was fired and I dropped to my knees, looking up at them as the ceiling started to crumble. Pieces of the ceiling and wall were falling down on us.

"Let's get out of here!" I hear Eiling yell and they run to the elevator, still with Stein in there arms.

I whimper as I back into the wall, sliding down and pulling my knees to my chest.

Rubble falls around me as the room continues to shake.


"Mack?" I hear a voice ask. I look up and see Barry running towards me from the elevator, Cisco, Caitlin, and Ronnie behind.

My face was tear stained and the ground was still shaking.

"Mack, you gotta calm down." Cisco says, kneeling next to me.

"Why does she have to calm down?" Ronnie asks. "What's going on?"

"Mack has powers." Caitlin says. "She makes quakes but she can't control them."

"They're linked to her emotions, basically, and she's really nervous." Cisco says quickly.

Ronnie bends down as tries to hold my hand but I pull away and freak out.

"You can't touch her." Cisco says. "What happened?"

"E-Eiling." I stutter out. "H-he tried to t-take me."

"Eiling was here?" Barry asks and I nod.

"A-and...a-and..." I try to tell them about Stein but my breathing got heavier and my mind blurred. My heart race picked up and my quakes got stronger.

"She's having a panic attack." Caitlin says and by now, everyone was kneeling at my level. I whimper again and hold my hands to the sides of my head. "Breathe, Mack, breathe. Barry, get me a sedative."

Barry flashes away and comes back within a second. Caitlin gets the shot ready for me as more rubble falls.

She injects me with the sedative, but nothing happens. My eyes widened.

"Cait." I say through sobs.

"Barry, get me a stronger one." Caitlin tells him, freaking out a little that the first one didn't work. Barry's back and he hands the sedative to Caitlin, who gets the shot ready. "Cisco, get ready to catch." She tells him.

"Catch?" Ronnie asks, confused. I don't blame him though, sometimes my powers confuse me too.

I feel a prick in my right arm and I fall into Cisco's arms and before I pass out, he puts an arm under my legs and an arm under my back and carries me to the cortex.

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