Chapter 33- The Sound and The Fury

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MacKenzie's POV

We had gotten a call at the cortex about an accident at Dr. Wells' house. It took FOREVER to get there, but we finally did.

Caitlin, Cisco and I rush into Dr. Wells' ginormous house.

"Dr Wells? Dr. Wells are you okay?" Caitlin asks going over to him.

"Dr. Snow, I'm—I'm fine. A little chilly. Otherwise I'm fine." Dr. Wells says. "Hello Cisco and Mack. Make yourselves at home as best you can. I'm gonna make a hotel reservation." And with, he wheeled away with his phone.

"Yo, this place is so sick." Cisco laughs, looking around.

"Yeah." Barry says. "Hey, What took you guys so long?"

"We got lost." Cisco says.

"We've never been here." I say.

"Really? Never?" Barry asks.

"He tends to keep his private life private." Caitlin explains to Barry.

Cisco, Caitlin and I left Barry to his work of figuring stuff out. I went to the fridge in Dr. Wells' kitchen and got a water bottle.

Cisco laughed at me as I tried to open it with only one hand and Caitlin finally came to my rescue and opened it for me. I glared at Cisco and he shut up quickly.


"Hartley Rathaway." Dr. Wells says as we all stand in the cortex, looking at a TV screen.

"Ugh." I groan, hearing that name. Hartley was a jerk. He always was jealous of Cisco, trying to get him fired, and Cisco was my best friend at STAR labs, so that kinda made me hate Hartley.

"Amen, sister." Cisco says in reply to my groan.

"Hartley Rathaway," Dr. Wells tries again and i cross my arms. "Possesses one of the finest scientific minds I've ever encountered."

"Any ties to Rathaway Industries?" Mr. West asks.

"His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne." Dr. Wells says.

"What happened?" Barry asks.

"He came out to his parents." Caitlin says. "Old money, old values."

"They were strange when we met, but brilliant. I couldn't have built the particle accelerator without him." Dr. Wells says.

"You guys have never even mentioned his name." Barry says.

"That's because Hartley had a challenging personality." Caitlin says.

"What She means is he was mostly a jerk." Cisco says. "But, every once in a while, he could be a dick." Mr. West laughs as Barry covers my ears.

"I've heard worse." I tell Barry.

"Let's just say that Hartley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers." Dr. Wells says.

"Yea. But he was always your favorite." Caitlin says bitterly.

"The chosen one." Cisco says in the same tone. "He referred to himself like that."

"So if you two were so close, why would he target you?" Mr. West asks Dr. Wells.

"Hartley left STAR labs about a year ago after we had a...a disagreement." Dr. Wells says.

"About what?" Mr. West asks. But Dr. Wells doesn't answer.

"Look, Don't worry. We'll stop him." Barry says. "I won't let him hurt you. Any of you. Let's get back to my lab, Alright?" He asks Mr. West.

"I could've gone my whole life without seeing that jerk again." Cisco says.

"Amen to that." I say.


Barry, Flash, is going up against Hartley.

"It's over, Rathaway." Barry says to Hartley and we hear it through his coms.

"You know my name. I know some names too." Hartley says. "Caitlin Snow. Cisco Ramon. MacKenzie Raymond, and Harrison Wells. I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit. About 1900 megahertz. Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they gonna hear you die?"

"No. They're gonna hear you get your ass kicked." We hear Barry say and I smile.

We watch on the surveillance cam Barry run around and throw things at Hartley. Barry rips Hartley's gloves off and grabs him by the shirt.

"Looks like you're not as smart as everyone says." Barry says.

"Smart enough to have figured out who Harrison Wells really is." Hartley says and we look over at him. "You see, I know his secret."

A few minutes later, Barry brings Hartley in STAR with cuffs on.

"Being scooped up by a guy clad in head to toe leather is a long time fantasy of mine, so thanks." Hartley sarcastically says as they get off the elevator.

Cisco, Caitlin and I stand in front of Hartley with our arms crossed.

"Well, well, well, the gang's all here. You've lasted a lot longer than I would've thought, Cisco." Hartley says.

"And you didn't last 10 seconds against The Flash." Cisco says.

"I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper." Hartley says.

"Hey! I assign the nicknames around here. Although that one's not bad." Cisco says.

After a Monet of pause, Hartley turns to face Caitlin and I.

"Caitlin..." Hartley says. "Never did get that wedding invite."

I leap forward and to punch him for making that remark about my brother, but Cisco grabbed me.

"Shut the hell up." Barry growls.

"Stay in front of me." Cisco says to Hartley.

Caitlin grabs my hand.


Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and I were sitting in the cortex, waiting for Dr. Wells to come back from talking to Hartley cause we all heard what Hartley was saying about a dark secret.

"I assume you were all listening." Dr. Wells says, rolling into the cortex. "Well, Hartley was telling the truth. I have not been honest with you. With any of you." He sits back in his chair. "The accelerator...Hartley warmed me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode. His data did not show 100% certainty just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk. And yet I made a decision that the reward...that...everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that...simply outweighed that risk. I'm sorry." Dr. Wells finishes and I was in tears.

There was some silence until Caitlin stood up.

"Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the live of the people that we love at risk...I'll expect a heads up." She says and then leaves.

"My brother died..." I say in a broken whisper. "My brother DIED because of you and..." I say louder. I break down into tears and I feel Cisco lift me off the floor, carrying me out of the cortex and away from Dr. Wells...


Hope you guys liked that chapter. It was longer than the previous one, but not as long as I would've liked it to be. Comment and Vote. Next chapter up SUNDAY.


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