Chapter 43- Out of Time

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MacKenzie's POV

"What are you doing again?" I ask Cisco again. We were in the room with the trap where we briefly trapped Reverse-Flash in at Christmas time.

"I'm testing the trap." Cisco says.

"For...?" I trail off.

"To see if it was tampered with." Cisco says.

"Oh, right." I say, remembering the conversation from last night between Cisco, Caitlin and I. Caitlin had taken Dr. Wells somewhere so we could work on this.

Cisco plugged wires in and turned the machine trap on. We both looked at it as it powered up.

"Let's see if you can tell me what really went wrong that night." Cisco says, pulling a wire to the back computer while I stay in front of the trap, looking at the forcefield thing.

Cisco types on the computer.

"What?" He asks.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, turning around to look at him.

"I don't understand." Cisco says. "This doesn't make any sense. There's nothing wrong with it."

Cisco walks over next to me to a machine as I walk closer to the forcefield trap.

"If there's nothing wrong with it then how did the Reverse-Flash get out?" I ask.

Cisco hits a button and the Reverse-Flash appears in the force field right in front of me. I gasp and trip over my feet, landing on the ground with my hands keeping me up and quaking in fear.

I look over at Cisco who has wide eyes.

"Cause he never went in." Cisco says under his breath.

"C-Cisco?" I say, my voice shaking as much as the ground. "Cisco!" I yell as the Reverse-Flash turns.

"My goals are beyond your understanding." Reverse Flash says in a distorted voice. Cisco types on the computer and the Reverse Flash starts speaking backwards. I get up from the floor, my quakes dying down, and walk up to the force field, examining it. "Dr. Wells, we meet at last." The Reverse Flash says. My goals are beyond your understanding."

"I can't believe this." Cisco breathes, coming closer to the force field.

"Oh, I'm not like the Flash at all." The Reverse Flash says.

"Some would say, I'm the Reverse." I hear Dr. Wells say from behind us. The ground lightly shakes as I tense up next to Cisco. We turn around to see Dr. Wells STANDING there.


Dr. Wells slowly claps and takes a few steps forward.

"You're incredibly clever, Cisco." Dr. Wells says. "I've always said so."

"You're him." Cisco says through his teeth. "The Reverse Flash."

"You and I have never been truly introduced." Dr. Wells says, coming closer. For each step he takes closer I take one back. "I am Eobard Thawne."

"Thawne?" Cisco says. "Like Eddie."

"Let's call him a distant relative." Dr. Wells, Thawne, says.

"The night that we trapped the Reverse Flash, you almost died." Cisco says and Thawne nods. "There were two of you."

Thawne separates into two Thawnes.

"It's an after image." Thawne explains. "A speed mirage, if you will." Then he connects back into one person. Cisco rubs his temples and his breathing becomes panicked.

"Joe was right." Cisco says. "You were there that night, 15 year's ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen."

"It was never my intention to kill Nora." Thawne says. "I was there to kill Barry." I cross my arms over my chest and bite my lip.

"Why?" Cisco asks as Thawne gets closer to him. "You're his friend. You've been teaching him how to—"

"Go faster. I know." Thawne cuts Cisco off. "A means to an end. And I'll tell you why." He says, circling around Cisco and looking at me every once in a while. "Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for 15 long years. And The Flash and the Flash's speed is the key to my returning to my world. To my time. And no one is going to prevent that from happening."

"I can help you." Cisco says.

"You're smart, Cisco." Thawne says. He vibrate his hand. "But you're not that smart. Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you? Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you. And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son."

Then, Thawne jabs his hand through Cisco's heart.

"No!" I scream, kneeling down to the floor, my quakes splitting the floors and the walls. I just saw my best friend die.

Thawne superspeeds over to me. He grabs my shoulder but pulls away quickly. He can't touch me while my quakes are going.

"You killed him!" I yell at Thawne, throwing a punch which he quickly dodged. "You killed my friend!" I yell.

As I throw punches, my quakes are thrown with them. Thawne has to try harder now to dodge me. I got a few to hit him. The more quakes I throw, the more bones I feel breaking in my body. It starts from my bad hand, and goes all over my body, breaking everything. My nose was bleeding bad and I could feel my body giving out. I looked down as bruises ran up my arms.

I scream again and fall to the ground on my back, out of breath from trying to fight Thawne. He speeds over to me.

"Pathetic." He spits at me and the last thing I see before I slip out of consciousness is him speeding away.

I slip into darkness, but I don't think I'm gonna wake up this time.


Hope you guys liked that chapter. Next chapter is going up TOMORROW, it's the one where Barry Time travels back a day so yea.


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