Chapter 36- Crazy For You

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MacKenzie's POV

Hartley had taken us to a lab room in CCPD, Pretty sure it was Barry's but I don't know.

"CCPD confiscated everything from STAR labs after the explosion. Video, Audi, traffic cam footage..." Hartley says.

"Okay, So?" Cisco asks.

"How is this gonna help find my brother?" I ask Hartley.

"I saw Martin Stein the night STAR labs went boom." Hartley says. "He walked right past me. You see, Stein specialized in Transmutation. Molecular transmography. Quantum splicing." Then, Hartley dumbs it down for me. "Taking two things and making them one." He says. "Let's go to the video tape, shall we?" He asks once me and Cisco stay quiet.

We watch some of the video.

"Okay, stop." Hartley says and Cisco pauses the video. "Now, zoom in a few clicks. Now advance it frame by frame."

Cisco does as Hartley tells him and we see Stein get hit by a wave of yellow energy.

"His eyes..." Cisco says. "They turned white just like Ronnie's."

We watch a little more.

"Now stop there." Hartley says. "In the mass of energy. Looks like—"

"Ronnie." I finish for him.

"And Professor Stein." Hartley says.

"The dark matter merged them together." Cisco says.

"Explains why Ronnie hasn't seemed quite himself lately." Hartley says. "It's because he's not. He's Martin Stein."

High pitched screeching rings through the air and Cisco and I screamed.

I drop to the floor on my knees, taking my hands away from my ears to see blood on them.

I look over at Hartley who was making a run for it and through my blurry vision, I hold my hand up at him, but nothing happens and I curl up in pain and pass out.


Hope you liked that chapter. SUPER sorry it was so short. Next chapter up SATURDAY, it WILL be longer. 


Rocky Raymond //Book One\\ COMPLETEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora