Chapter 28- The Man in the Yellow Suit

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MacKenzie's POV

Yesterday I saw Ronnie. I know it was Ronnie. I felt him in my heart. I keep telling Caitlin that and she keeps telling me to let it go, but I can tell that she's still thinking about him too.

We're in the cortex, Mr. West, Cisco, Dr. Wells, Barry, Caitlin, and I.

Mr. West was explaining a crime scene. Caitlin and Dr. Wells were sitting at the desk, Cisco was standing next to the desk, I was standing with my arm crossed against the desk next to Caitlin and Barry was sitting in a spinny chair.

"The witness described seeing a yellow blur just like the one that killed Barry's mother." Mr. West says.

"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho." Cisco says, sticking a candy cane in his mouth. "That- I wasn't trying to give him a name."

"The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor with highly secure vaults." Barry says. "And the witness said he was looking for something."

"Whatever it is, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Dr. Wells says.

"Doctor, what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Mr. West asks.

"Mercury was one of STAR labs' major competitors until our little setback and then it catapulted to the forefront led by Dr. Christina McGee, brilliant but egocentric physicist." Dr. Wells says.

"Says here Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote 'prototypes for the technology of the future.'" Cisco reads off the screen.

"Well I'll be." Dr. Wells says. "Tina's messing with tachyons, superluminal particles."

"Of course." Mr. West mutters. "So, What could someone do with one of those...."

"Tachyons." Dr. Wells finishes.

"Thank you." Mr. West says.

"Well, I don't know. Become invincible?" Dr. Wells says. "If you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light."

"He's gonna try to get them again." Barry says. "So we need to get what mercury has and use it as a lure."

"Exactly right." Dr. Wells says. "Cisco, Caitlin, lets's start engineering a trap."

"You got it." Cisco says, following Dr. Wells out.

"Of course." Caitlin says, turning in her chair.

Cisco left with Dr. Wells, Barry and Mr. West were having their own conversation and I leaned next to Caitlin.

"Cait..." I say and she continues to look at her computer. "I know it was Ronnie." I tell her for the millionth time.

"Mack, I don't see how it's possible." Caitlin says.

"Cait, please listen to me." I beg. She looks up at me. "I know it was Ronnie. I felt him in my heart. Please. You gotta believe me." I tell her, choking on my words and my eyes watering.

"I believe you." She says after a minute of silence. "I'll go see what I can find out." She says, standing up, grabbing her jacket and leaving the cortex.

I take a deep breath in and let it out as I dry my eyes.


After a few hours of boredom and spinning in chairs in the cortex, I hear something in the treadmill room, which is weird cause I'm the only one on this level right now.

I walk over to the door of the room and look in. Relieved, I let out a breath, opening the door to see Caitlin, staring at her engagement ring my brother gave to her.

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