Chapter 61- Fast Enough

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry had come into the cortex and told us that Wells, or Thawne, told him that he could go into the past and stop his mother from dying. Ronnie was holding me in his arms, leaning against his hip as I laid my head on his shoulder and listened to the conversation.

"The rare opportunity to go back in time and right a wrong and save your mother's life--quite the paradox Harrison has presented you with, Mr. Allen." Professor Stein says.

"The chance to be with someone you love? Seems pretty cut and dry to me." Caitlin says, walking over and taking Ronnie's free hand.

"At first blush, Dr. Snow, it would appear so, but this gist has unparalleled risk." Professor Stein says. "Barry, the night your mother died, the night you save yourself from being killed, that event altered the timeline you were already on and changed the course of history."

"So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel universe?" Cisco questions.

"Just like when I time travelled before." Barry says.

"But he--he only changed one day that time." Joe points out.

"Exactly." Professor Stein says. "Now imagine 15 years of compounded experiences. One different decision, no matter how big or small, impacts everything that follows. Moment upon moments, choices upon choices. New relationships, nothing would be as it is today, and you'd never know the difference because you'd never remember any of it."

"So if I go back and save my mom, my dad doesn't go to prison." Barry says. "I never live with Joe and Iris."

"You might never meet me. Or Caitlin, or Ronnie, or Mack." Cisco says.

"Truth is, there's no real way of knowing what your life will be." Professor Stein says.

"There's no choice here, Barry. You have to do this." Joe says. "You gotta change the past."

Joe grabs his coat and leaves the cortex and Barry runs after him.

I tighten my grip around Ronnie's neck as I think about Barry's decision.

I don't wanna sound or be selfish, but I don't want him to change the past. He's like another big brother to me. He holds me in his arms when I'm sad or scared, he's been there every single time I quaked, every time I've passed out, every time I needed someone to carry me cause I was too weak and every time Ronnie wasn't around. I couldn't imagine my life without Barry.


I was sitting on Ronnie's lap as Caitlin check him. Whenever Ronnie's back, I'm attached to him, I won't leave his side.

"98.6. Normal." Caitlin says after taking his temperature.

"I don't even know what that word means anymore." Ronnie says.

"Me neither." Caitlin says. "I know Barry really appreciates you coming back to help him stop Wells."

"That's not the only reason i'm back, Cait." Ronnie says. "I'm here now. For good."

"But I thought--" Caitlin says before getting cut off.

"I thought too--I thought too much about what might happen if the government tracked us down." Ronnie says. I get off his lap so he can stand in front of Caitlin. I sit on the bed he was just on and listen to him. "If we couldn't control our powers and we hurt someone. If we hurt you. Or Mack. But I realized that although sometimes I'm more than one man, I'm not whole unless I'm with you. I love you, Cait."

They kiss.

"Are you sure?" Caitlin asks him.

"I am." Ronnie says. "Once upon a time and a particle accelerator or so ago, you agreed to marry me."

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