Chapter 55- Grodd Lives

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MacKenzie's POV

I was sitting on the desk Cisco was working on when Barry walked into the cortex.

"Hey." Barry says. "You planning on keeping those cameras Wells used to spy on us? That's kinda creepy, don't you think?"

Cisco screws in a few bolts.

"First rule of mechanic engineering, dude." Cisco says.

"Never waste good tech." I say and Cisco gives me a fistbump.

The computer beeps.

"Central City Gold Reserve's under attack." Cisco says, looking at Barry.

"Gold?" Barry asks. "That's the case Singh wants us on. I'll be right back." He says and he speeds off.


"Your eye movement is normal." Caitlin says after she checks Barry. "No signs of neurological damage."

"Do you think the thief might have been a metahuman who put the whammy in you or something?" Cisco suggests.

"I-I don't know." Barry says. I lean against the table next to him as he talks. "When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger. But this was not that. This was just overwhelming fear.

"Hmm. Looks like when you sent down, the thief got disoriented too." Cisco says, looking at the footage.

"Maybe we both got whammied." Barry suggests.

"Then you know how it feels." Iris says, walking in. We look at Barry, who was still in his Flash suit. "Hi Barry. Or should I say The Flash."


Barry and Iris had gone into the treadmill room so they could talk about...stuff. We were watching the camera on the computer.

"This is one of the few times I would not want to be Barry Allen." Cisco says.

"I wonder what he's gonna say." Caitlin says.

"We should absolutely not listen in." Cisco says.

"It's none of our business." Caitlin says. "But The Flash is our business."

"And Iris did just find out that Barry's the Flash." Cisco says.

"So by the transitive Property, batty and Iris are our business." Caitlin says.

"Stop making excuses and turn the volume up already." I tell the two of them.

"Alright." Cisco says and unmutes the conversation.


"I—Wait, How did you find out?" Barry asks.

"When I touched The Flash the other night, I felt a jolt of electricity. The only other time I have ever felt anything like that was when you were in a Conan after the accident." Iris explains. "I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner."

"I can only imagine how angry you are." Barry says.

"I'm not angry, Barry." Iris says. "I'm just disappointed."

"Ouch, she played the disappointed card." I say. Poor Barry.

"Okay." Barry whispers.

"Does Eddie know?" Iris asks.

"Yes, he does." Barry says after pacing around the room a little.

"Is that why he got kidnapped?" Iris asks.

"No. I don't know why Wells took Eddie—" Barry gets cut off.

"Dr. Wells is the man in yellow?" Iris asks.

"Everything he's been doing, helping was all a lie." Barry says. "Wells killed my mom."

"Is he gonna kill Eddie?" Iris asks, her voice breaking.

"No, he's not." Barry says. "I'm gonna get Eddie back, I swear."

"Yeah, The Flash said the same thing." Iris says.

"Look, Iris, you have to believe me, I—There were so many times I wanted to tell you." Barry says. "You were the first person I wanted to tell, but everything started getting crazy and I thought maybe a Joe was right and I shouldn't say—"

"Wait, Wait, Wait." Iris says. "You're telling me that my dad knew and he told you not to tell me?"

"He was trying to protect you." Barry says. "We both were."

"Yeah, well, maybe it's time you both stopped." Iris says. She stands up and leaves barry in the room by himself.

Caitlin quickly turns the computer off and Cisco scrambles to pick up the phone to make it look like we weren't listening in. I drop to the ground and slip under the desk so I'm not seen.

"Yeah. Uh-huh." Cisco says as Iris walks through the cortex. "Yeah if we could get another shipment of the, uh, computers in here..." Cisco drops the phone. "Yeah I don't think that had anything to do with us."

"Nope." I say from under the desk.

Cisco and Caitlin leave the cortex and a few minutes later, I go over to Barry.

I lean against the doorway and look at him.

His hands were against his forehead and he was sitting on the step.

I go over to him and sit on his knee and hug him. 


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