Chapter 59- Rogue Air

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MacKenzie's POV

We were in the accelerator ring.

Cisco was closing Shawna's pipeline cell and she was still unconscious. Caitlin was rubbing her neck from where Shawna kicked her. I adjust my flannel shirt around my white tanktop when Cisco finishes. 

"Are you okay?" Cisco asks her.

"Yeah, I will be." Caitlin says. "Thanks to Iris. I'm glad you showed up."

"How do you think she got out of there?" Iris asks.

"Wells must have released her." Cisco says.

"Wait a sec. Did you hear that?" Joe asks.

"Hear what?" I ask him as he inches closer to the pipeline door.

"I checked all the containment cells." Caitlin says. "Everyone's accounted for."

"No, no, listen." Joe says. Caitlin, Cisco, Iris and I go through the pipeline door next to Joe and we hear what he's talking about.

"Help! Down here!" We hear the faint sound of a man yelling.

Joe and Iris run down and open up the floor, seeing a ladder and going down to help whoever is down there.


We were in the cortex. The man who was under the ground was Eddie.

Caitlin's checking up on Eddie, Iris is sitting on the bed next to him, Cisco and Joe I are standing around the bed and I'm sitting on the desk Caitlin was working at with all her medical equipment.

"Your vitals are normal, but you're just a little dehydrated. The IV should help with that but drink some fluids and stay off your feet. Okay, Eddie?" Caitlin tells Eddie.

"Thanks, Caitlin." Eddie smiles.

Barry speeds into the room, completely out of breath with his hands on his knees.

"Wells got away." Barry says, out of breath. "Oh, he was too fast. He's always too fast." He says under his breath. Then Barry looks at us. "Eddie."

"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline." Cisco says.

"I'm so sorry." Barry says, coming over to Eddie. "I thought I looked everywhere for you." He stutters out.

"Hey, it's not your fault." Eddie tells him. "Sometimes you just can't see the clues. Even if they're right in front of you."

"Um, well, you know, all that's important is that we're all safe, and back together, right?" Iris says.

"Eddie, why did he take you?" Joe asks him.

"I don't know." Eddie sighs. "He said that we' Said his real name is Eobard Thawne."

Joe looks over at Cisco.

"Eobard Thawne?" Cisco asks.

"Just like in our dream." I say.

"Did he say anything else?" Joe asks. "I mean, anything that could help us figure out what he's really after."

"I--he didn't say much." Eddie says. "He just kept working on some tube."

"A tube?" Cisco asks. "What did it look like?"

"Metallic, futuristic." Eddie describes. "He said it was the key to him getting back everything that was taken from him."

"The key?" Barry questions. "I don't understand. What--"

"Yeah, I don't know." Eddie says. "Look, I just want to go home. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course." Caitlin says. She takes the IV out of Eddie's arm.

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