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I'll be there through the rough winds, rain and ice
I'll be there when the nights falls and troubles rise
I'll be there when you need me
No matter what how or when
My friend, I'll be there

                        -Tiffany Evans, I'll Be There




A girl sat on the edge of a bridge smoking a blunt in the night. Wind blew through her natural hair puff and ripped through her hoodie and sweatpants, but she paid it no mind as she continued to smoke.

As her high kicked in, she pulled the rope out of a book bag that she had brought with her. Next, she pulled out a nine-millimeter pistol and sat it beside her.

"What way should I go," She whispered to herself as she looked down into the water. She had three options in front of her, or the fourth could be a car accidentally running into the bridge at that exact moment. That was less likely though.

As she contemplated her death, a car was a mile away going over a 100mph. The driver paid no attention to the warning signs about it being slippery during the winter, a curve up ahead, nor the bridge that the signs mentioned. He could only see anger as he drove with his foot pressed on the gas.

The girl glanced back and noticed lights coming from the main road. She watched as the lights got close to her fast as hell. But she wasn't scared, more than anything she was shocked frozen.

The driver looked through his rage to see a girl sitting on the bridge he was headed straight at and quickly made a sharp left while slamming his foot on the brakes. Since it wasn't slippery out and he had a good brand of tires, his car didn't slide but braked hard almost sending him through the windshield.

What he didn't see was the girl was scared and accidentally flipped backwards into the water.

Still, he rushed out of his 2018 Dodge Challenger leaving it running as he rushed to see if she was okay. Slightly panicking, he ran to the bridge and seen her struggling in the water. He glanced at the gun and rope, but still jumped in after the girl without too much of a thought.

She panicked in the water as she continued to go under. Water got into her nose and mouth as she felt herself being pulled under the strong current.

It was obvious that she couldn't swim at all, but since he could, he quickly got them both to the side of the creek fast. Pushing her out of the water, he exhaustively pulled himself out of the water and breathed in and out deeply.

"What the fuck was you thinking sitting on the fuckin' edge like that?!" He snarled after he finally caught his breath.

She didn't respond, she only got up and walked up the hill towards where she had sat on the bridge. He begrudgingly got up and did the same, as he walked towards his car.

As she glanced at the car that was illuminated by the street light, she immediately became embarrassed. There was only one car like that on her college campus and it was no secret who it belonged to.

He walked over to his car and turned it off. Grabbing his keys, he closed and locked his door and walked back to the girl as she just stared at him in shock.

"Y-y-y-you're-" He cut her off as he walked past her and glanced at the items on the bridge.

"I'm human, ma. I'm flesh like you are. What did you come out here to do?" He asked her gently. For some strange reason, he felt a pull to this girl. She glanced at him with her wide, brown eyes and he couldn't think of a image more sexier.

"To end it." She spoke confidently, even though being in that water had to be the scariest shit she'd ever experienced.

"Start over then." He offered back as he looked at the girl. It was obvious that she was unsteady on her two feet but he still wanted to help her.

"For what?" She asked back trying not to seem shocked that she was speaking to him of all people.

"For me." He said sincerely. She looked at him oddly but he didn't let his stare waiver.

"But..you're," He cut her off again.

"I'm Harlem. I'll help you get through this." He said seriously.

"I'm Storm," She said shyly and her hand went to cover her face.

"Glad to meet you, Storm. Now, come on, let's go get out of these wet clothes." He said. Swiftly, he packed up her backpack and grabbed her hand leading her to his car.

That was the start of their friendship.


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