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I mean you said that he was yo nigga right?

                                                -Kashdoll, For Everybody


I sat back in my seat as my classmates talked amongst themselves and took notes. I wasn't a note taker, so I let my mind wander while the teacher talked.

Suddenly, the bell rung snatching me out of my thoughts. I gathered my laptop and my notebook, stuffing it into my bookbag.

As I made my way out of the lecture hall, a guy knocked my bookbag off of my shoulder. I looked down at my bag before slowly picking it up as laughter was heard around me.

"That weird ass bitch gonna cry in the car," Someone snickered as a small crowd stopped to watch the events unfold.

I mustered all the strength I could and pushed his big ass into a wall. Unfortunately for him, it was a glass wall and he fell into it hard.

"BITCH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as everyone started to gasp. I just smirked and picked up my bag, walking away like nothing ever happened.

I now walked through the courtyard, headed to my usual library. I saw a couple sitting on a bench and smiled, wishing I could have something real like that. My smile fell as I realized it was Harlem and Bre hugged up.

"Lonely hoe," Bre whispered loudly when I walked past, and I smirked not even giving her the satisfaction of being acknowledged.

"Chill out, man." Harlem muttered but I heard a bag being set down so I glanced back to see Bre rushing my way.

"You really thought you won him, didn't you? You thought he wanted your big, lonely ass?" She cackled as she pointed a finger in my face.

"I could beat your ass and break your heart but," I paused and glanced over at Harlem who still sat on the bench as he watched us, well me mostly. "You can have his ass." I flicked my wrist in her face.

I turned to walk away, but felt myself being pulled by my arm a couple of seconds later. I turned around ready to slap the shit out of Bre only to be met with grey eyes.

"What the fuck do you want, nigga?" I asked getting upset that he even had the audacity to touch me.

"Chill out. The fuck you mean she can have me?" He asked and I looked at him before busting out laughing.

"So are you not sitting on the bench playing cuddle buddies with her ass? More importantly, wasn't I a soft ass bitch to you last night?" I asked as I rolled my neck. He chuckled and tried to pull me into him but I pushed his ass back hard.

"Daddy got you this mad, baby?" He asked as he tried to pull me again.

"Harlem, you're embarrassing us still trying to associate with this lame, psychotic ass bitch!" Bre's annoying voice popped off from the sidelines. I cut my eyes at her.

"You forgetting you got a bitch, huh?" I said pointing at Bre. She glared at me but didn't make any moves to step up.

"Na, you forgetting you're place." Harlem replied smoothly. I waved him off and walked away making him yank me back by my hand. "Don't keep walking away from me when I'm talking to you!" He shouted, finally breaking his cool demeanor.

"You chose! You fucking chose! You called me out of my name, you got me embarrassed on this damn campus! I asked you to leave me alone! Be with your hoe! The next time you come around trying to sniff some pussy, mines wont be available to you, bitch!" I said angrily causing him to finally let go. People around us paused and looked at us but minded their business.

I turned on my heel and walked away from Harlem, for good.

Storm crazy or nah?

Harlem, wyd?!

How would you have handled the situation?

Should I throw in a couple plot twists or? 😬

Longer chapters?

What the people want?!

Thinking of updating twice a week ... hmm😏



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