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God damn, ain't no wishing over on this side
Y'all don't fuck with us, then we don't fuck with y'all
It's no different over on this side
God damn, should I listen to everybody or myself?
Cause myself just told myself, "You're the motherfucking man, you don't need no help"

- Drake, All Me



"Harlem." I stopped bagging up the weed, tossing the sandwich bags to the side before looking at my father.

"What is it, man?" I said irritated. He smirked, and I clenched my jaw knowing he would enjoy this... seeing me bagging this shit up like I was a fucking lapdog or some shit. But, he wanted it this way.

"Son, you can't get the game free just because I'm your father. You gotta work for the shit. Start from the bottom like I did." He chuckled, and I stood up, towering over him just a little bit.

"Don't talk to me about no muthafucking work. I was twelve years old stealing from niggas and killing niggas that was after your broke ass. You was scared, leaving me and my mom in dirty ass abandoned houses! I was in the streets protecting my family! I was protecting Layke while you was laid up in some bitches, nigga!" I pushed him away from me. He eyed me but stayed silent for a minute or two. We just stared at each other.

"You think you know shit, huh? 'Cause you wanted to leave and play college boy. You angry 'cause I was out getting some pussy and you wasn't?" My dad chuckled, and I reared my fist back and slammed it in his face. I punched him two more times before his guards rushed into the room, pulling me away from him.

"Pussy was your downfall nigga! You had me watching a bitch in college 'cause you was fucking her ratchet ass mama! If I wasn't your son, you'd be dead!" I snapped getting away from his weak ass security guards. I pushed both of them daring them to try me before looking back at the sorry ass nigga who shot his sperm in my mother. He waved a hand letting them know to let it go.

"Bre was the best thing that happened to you. She took your virginity, right? And her mom... whew! That girl fucked way better than your mother ever did," I don't think he saw it coming.

His words caused me to snap mentally. Physically there was not a restraint unless gifted from God that would hold me back. My hands fought his security guards, but my feet stayed glued to his face stomping the shit out of him.

"Fuck that bitch! Fuck that!" I stomped his ass more before punching him. I picked him up and slammed him again. One of his security guards grabbed my shirt but I turned around and up'ed the pistol.

"Fuck all that playing. You got two options: leave this room or die in this room." I pointed the gun at one of the security guards before the other. They both held their hands up and disappeared down the hall.

"Look at you, el jefe in the making." His voice was weak, but it was still there. I looked down at him and felt the urge to spit on him, so I swallowed hard and looked away. I would never do a muafucka like that.

"What did you come in here for?" I asked through clenched teeth. My trigger finger itched tremendously, so I slid my gun back inside my pants.

"Storm Vilencia; she attends your school. Her dad owes me money. I need you to get close to her. Do it however you need to." His words made my heart drop. He couldn't be talking about the girl who had become my best friend over the last year.

"I can't." I admitted, my voice growing scratchy. He chuckled and sat himself up on the floor.

"Pussy that good, son?" He joked, and I held my gun up silencing him. He eyed me silently.

"I'll protect her from you. You know how ruthless I am, and you know I never fucking miss a shot. Don't go after her." I warned him seriously.

"You love her." He stated, no question in his voice. I nodded stiffly, and he fell out laughing.

"You're weak, son. Just like your mother. Do you bleed like her and Layke?" He asked, and I slapped him with the butt of the gun, irritated.

"You're weak. You talk about them so much because you miss them. But, I aint telling you were my ma and little sister is at. I told you that you get me and this business or you pick your family. I'm not your son; I just protect your ass because I want to be the one who ends your sorry ass life. Don't no other nigga get that privilege." I eyed him as he laid on the ground. I kicked him in his side causing him to groan.

"Get the fuck out of my room, Gambino." I turned away from him and sat down on my bed. When the door slammed shut, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.



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