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  I know my niggas ridin'
Take me, it's gon' get crazy
Mamas, daddies, sisters, babies

                  Lil Boosie, My Brother's Keeper


"I'on't too much appreciate you leaving shit for me to clean up. Like I'm some type of hoe ass nigga or something," I ignored the nigga and continued to overlook the water from the Manhattan bridge I stood on. I made no movement for my gun in my waistband or the pocket knife tucked in my left cufflink. 

"What you here for?" His question was different causing me to finally turn around and look at him. Brent looked tired and older around the eyes. The usual playfulness is my friend was twisted... I was so used to seeing him upbeat that his transformation made me look away again. 

"I want you to look me in the eyes as a man and tell me why you left my sister, nigga? Why you left me like that? You know what Gambino put us through and you went and-," His words stopped mines and caused me to step back a little bit. 

"I had important matters to tend to." He said it so nonchalant that I laughed a little. I walked up and punched his ass dead in his jaw. 

"Layke is pregnant, nigga! You gon' fuck her over and link up with this nigga. Then he got my mama and shit," My voice cracked on the last part. Brent turned away from me and sparked a blunt that I never saw him take out of his pockets. 

"With my kid, huh?" I heard the regret in his voice. I could only look down. 

"What is Gambino threatening you with, man? I know how he works... better yet, how did he even get my mama and kill Dewayne, Brent? Let me know something?" I asked seriously. He took his time answering me as he smoked his weed in silence for a few moments. 

"He called your mother. I don't know how he got her number or nothing. He told her that if she didn't come to him at that exact moment he would put a bullet through his eyes. So, she snatched me up and we took off but we walked into a fucking trap. He had niggas with guns on us the moment we stepped through the door. Apparantly, he never had Dewayne. But, he still told me I needed to cooperate, otherwise, he'd kill her," He squeezed his eyes shut. I scoffed at this.

"He wouldn't kill Layke. And you're tellling me Dewayne isn't dead?" I asked for clarification as I looked at him. He stood looking towards the water still before he leaned on the bridge a little. 

Before he could answer a car came speeding down the street instantly catching both of our attention. I upp'ed my pistol when it was closer and I realized two Ak-47's were sticking out. 




The car sped away causing me to look at Brent with a lazy smile feeling drained of energy all of a sudden. He nodded at me before doing a double take. 

I made a step towards him before falling on my ass before realizing I was dizzy and falling on my ass. He rushed towards me immediately. I looked down at my white shirt realizing there was blood all over me. I didn't want to come to grips with the situation so I laughed. 

"HARLEM, NO!" I don't think I ever heard Brent sound so serious in my life. I started laughing at his ass as he pulled his phone out and hollered out some shit about needing an ambulance. 

"I fucked up! I fucked up! I fucked the fuck up!" Brent kept chanting to himself as he held my head in his lap. Occasionally, he would wipe the liquid from my eyes as I laughed and got teary-eyed. He held his own shirt to my wound, but I still didn't want to think about it, so I kept weakly pushing his hand away. 

"Aye, aye, nigga!" I tapped him as he got off the phone. He held my head in his lap as he cried. 

"Just stay up, bro. Just keep talking! I dont give a fuck what you say! I'm sorry, Harlem! I didn't know he would come on the fucking bridge! He said I could meet with you man, I'm sorry!" Brent cried as he held me. My eyes watered a little bit at the realization of what was going on. 

"I got a few minutes in me, my nigga. Call ...Storm."I croaked out. He shook his head but he still called her as he cried. 

"Hello, Brent?! You're stupid ass wasn't gonna tell me you were my brother?!" Her words didn't register as I rushed out to say what I had to say as the warm feeling in my chest spread out. Brent still held the phone to my ear as he cried. 

"Baby... I love you, okay? I can't make... it back this time. I was ... trying, Storm. Love you.Sorry," I closed my eyes as Storm screamed in my ear. I was content that I talked to her though. 

Sirens roared in the distance, some getting closer, others sounding further away. I focused on nothing but Storm's yells because I could no longer speak.

A tear rolled from my eyes as they closed ... for good.

I couldn't feel nomore. 

With that, I let go. 

I cried writing this chapter.... 

Forgive me, yall....


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