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It's the edge of a cliff you stand on.
A sound emits from a distance,
Which gets louder by the second.
By the time it reaches your position,
The platform breaks into pieces.

As you scream, gravity pulls you down.
Before you know it, you're already at the sea
Where a splash is left behind.
You sink until you couldn't go further
Due to your body meeting the sand.

I witness what happened
While I stand on top of a tree.
I'm unable to let you die,
So I dive headfirst into the sea.

My conscience drives me
To undergo these extreme measures
Because it wants me
To do the right thing.

I hold my breath,
And for each growing second,
I feel the air build up in my mouth,
And the temptation to breathe arises.

I resist the feeling,
For if I don't, I will die
And I can't let that happen
Because it is you I must save.

I continue going deeper and deeper
Until I catch sight of your lifeless body.
As I take hold of your body,
I fight nature's urge to keep us down
By forcing us upward.

Back onto the surface,
I find myself coughing
Like someone who caught a severe cold
While I gasp for air.

All of this happens as I lay your body
Safely on the ground while
I press your chest repeatedly
And donate breaths in between.

Not long after, I find my energy
Leave my body,
And I collapse on you,
Only to wake up with a surprise.

When I take a look,
My eyes capture the unusual.
Your body is gone,
Leaving me to wonder what happened.
Where could you possibly be?

Burning SensationWhere stories live. Discover now