A Note Left Behind

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The decision I made
Has placed me toward
This unbearable situation
Where I'm being haunted.

If I could turn back time
With the chance to change one thing,
I would take back my failure
In being the man you deserved.

What I did was wrong,
I can't bear knowing the fact
That I broke your heart
After all this time.

An emotion so powerful
It dulls the better angel of your nature
Yet it's idealized as the most magical
Feeling known to man.

How could something associated
With compassion, sympathy, kindness,
And any other adjectives of positivity
Lead you to such a decision?

What can I say?
I guess I had the feeling
And the right motives,
But not the right actions.

How hard could it possibly
Be to find the right words?
All I want is for you not to hurt
Just so I won't have to spend
All of my existence in regret.

I just hope you're happy one day,
And if you're willing to give
Me another chance, I'll be sure
To be the guy you deserve.

Not sure how to close this,
But how can someone feel so much love,
Only for it to blow up on his face
Because you can't cherish them correctly?

Burning SensationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora