Feelings v. Morals

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An emotion,
Associated with the purest of intentions,
Yet I want to punch whoever does
As simple as lay an eye on her
Because I refuse to let them take
Away the only thing that makes me smile.

I speak to her like I'm the most selfless
Person, and I even fool myself at the moment,
But whenever this barrier pushes us apart
For getting too close, I get this voice
Creeping into my head to remind me
Of how much of a lustful fool I am.

The truth I face,
And while I do, I recall her tell me
I'd do anything to make her happy
Even if it means sacrificing the chance
For a happy life together.

Two conflicting thoughts,
One that calls me selfless
The other the exact opposite,
And I usually believe one over the other,
But when I'm torn between which one,
I have to lock myself up.

I know I must make the right decision,
But it's not easy when I have no desire
For it. If I give into these dark thoughts,
It would leave me with regret
That I'd come crying back for forgiveness.

I promised her that I'd do whatever
It takes to make her happy, yet
There's this one problem because
I don't want her to be happy without me,
Especially if she ends up with someone else.

God! How could I be so selfish,
So possessive that I'd hold her against
Her will?! Just the very thought
Of feeling this way makes me guilty
Because I shouldn't be this way
Towards someone I care about!

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