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There was this guy who came
To you when you were at your lowest.
He made you feel like the best
Thing in the world, only to shame
You when he abandoned you for another.

Months has passed,
But a feeling has endured.
It isn't the craving for revenge,
But love, something your heart
Yearns for and it's tearing you apart.

Despite it all, you still love him
Even though he made it clear
That he'd rather be with another
And wants nothing to do with you.

You once begged him to come back,
Only for him to crack
Your heart far more than it already is
No matter how much you insisted.

The memories of your time together
Is stuck in your head,
And when you close your eyes in bed,
You are duped into thinking you're reunited,
Which doesn't make you feel any better.

What you must do is come to terms
That you're wanting someone
Who will never fulfill your wishes,
And the fact is, the more he pushes
You away, you just want him more.

That's something you must remind
Yourself every day until your mind
Has fully healed, and it's the only thing
You can do because you must let him go.

Burning SensationWhere stories live. Discover now