A Powerful Magnet

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The second you set eyes on her,
You feel this mysterious pull
Towards her, and you don't
Even bother resisting because
You're immediately compelled by her beauty.

You imagine what lies beyond,
But have you ever truly wondered
Instead of letting your excitement
Get the best of you where you picture
A future in which you're happy together?

What if beyond all that beauty
Lies a heart as black as coal,
And you're being tricked
Into seeing one as white as snow?

Her looks may be hypnotizing
With her voice the insurance
Of keeping you under her grasp,
But there's that slightest hint
Of caution that arises.

While you pursue this girl,
These thoughts sneak up on you
Whenever you least expect,
But you refuse to listen
Because she's living up to your fantasies.

As time passes,
Your doubts grow,
Especially when people warn
You that she may be bad news,
But unfortunately, your cravings
For her grows faster.

You bet all of your hopes,
Leaving the outcome to chance.
You'll either be lucky or unlucky,
And whichever happens will surprise you.

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