My Wishes

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You're the first person I saved
From falling into the darkness.
It was a defining moment that paved
The way to often giving into my selflessness.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.
All they expected was for me to hurt you.
Instead of resorting to exploitation,
I showed you a brighter side of the world.

To this day, I'm still helping
You to ensure you have a prosperous future.
Even if I'd be sacrificing my happiness,
I'm willing to pay the price.

I worry about you day and night,
And it hurts me to no end.
It makes me want to be your light
In the darkness by offering a hand.

When we part our separate ways,
I'd hate for you to mourn.
All I want is for you to rejoice
Over these positive memories you earned.

Written straight from my heart,
This is for you.
Let your days have a unique spark.
I wish you the best of luck.

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