Your Presence

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There's so much
Going on in my head,
And I have grown fed
Up with all of it,
But when I look into your eyes,
I immediately lose touch
Of all my problems.

You don't have to speak
To cheer me up
Because your very presence
Is enough to loosen the tense
Muscle that resides inside
My head, which makes
You worthy to stand by my side.

You have everything I seek
In a girl. You have beauty
That's enough to attract the eyes
Of everyone around you
And you speak no lies,
For you are honest
And the best
Anyone could ever wish for.

Your interests matches my own,
Your heartbeat's in sync with mine,
We could predict each other's lines,
And there's nothing to moan
About when we're together.

I am grateful to have you
Because you're one
Of the few times where
A beautiful body
Is equated to an angel's
As opposed to a demon in disguise.

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