Destiny Calls

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Your voice can be anything
Depending on the words that escape
Your delicate lips.

Sometimes, it's a dagger
That plunges right through my chest;
Other times, it's an elixir
That heals every injury of my body.

Regardless, there's this feeling
That always remains, something
That relaxes my senses, which makes
Me see everything as a rainbow
Including the greyest of clouds.

Do you not know what this means?
You are the other half
That calls to me every minute.
I couldn't resist even if I wanted to
Because we are meant to be together.

There's no reason to fight
What fate has planned for us
Because together, we have the power
To conquer all in our sight.

Right now, you're in denial,
But deep down, you know
That you feel the same way I do,
So I'll be waiting for you.

They may say to use our heads
In every single situation,
But like everything else,
There is bound to be exceptions
Including this very situation.

When you do accept me,
I shall be the light in your darkness
Just like you shall be mine in return,
So meet me by the bridge tonight
At the woods where we'll discuss our future.

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