Reality Check

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Always a first for everything they say,
And you don't believe it until you experience
So many firsts that you can't refute
That statement any longer.

The first I'm going to talk about
Is something we all experience.
It is something we idealize
Given that it's thrown into every story
That's shoved down your throat.

Not one bit has its popularity waned,
For it is in our nature to be drawn
To other people, and stick so tightly
That we have no desire to let go.

The mind tries to reason with you,
Only for your heart to block out
Every sound it makes, ensuring
You remain a slave to its will.

Who would've thought we'd be led
To that moment? A curse or blessing,
However you view it,
That doesn't change any facts.

In our childhood, we'd frown at the idea
Of spending time with anyone that isn't
Our kind, but as time goes on, you start
To think otherwise because you want
To drown yourself in a pool,
Only to be saved by the object of your desire.

You want that feeling.
You tell yourself just this once,
And you'll never do it again,
But your emotions toy with you,
Rendering that statement null and void.

Believe it when I say
This overused phrase that never
Lost its power, "Love conquers all."
You may think you've conquered the feeling,
But know that your victory won't be forever.

You could fight it or you could embrace it.
No matter what, the very feeling remains,
And whichever choice you make,
You'll find yourself addicted to the pain,
Which in turn shall drive you insane.

Don't get me started when you're robbed
From the very thing that you desire.
Whether you see them with someone else,
You're in a long distance relationship,
Or you're told that you're not good enough,
You can't stop the impossible.

Your blood will boil
To a threshold it will darken your very soul
Because your desire to be with the person
Is magnified beyond reason.

By this point, you'll do whatever it takes
To be with the person you love, even
If it's a gesture that will make
You lose them forever.

Even if you give up, the feeling will linger,
But time away from your desire
Forces you to reflect on your actions.
You'll realize how much of a fool
You were and swear upon yourself
That you'll never repeat the same mistakes.

You say it like you mean it.
You even believe what you say,
But let's see what happens when
You're presented with another opportunity.

Ever read those stories that idealize love
As the one feeling that wipes away
Every worry in your life,
Making you forget about the world
In favor of serenity?

Thought that was reality?
You thought wrong,
For what you saw
Was a twisted version of the truth.

Love may be the most powerful feeling,
But it's not in the way those stories portray it,
For it's a destructive feeling with the capacity
That exceeds hate itself.

This poem is dedicated to anyone
That dwells on the idea of love.
It's for the fools that think they'll
Ever live happily ever after.

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