Thicker Than Water

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They say blood is thicker than water,
But I would rather spend time
With you instead of my family
Because you make me happier.

All my family does is boss
Me around when they need something,
Only to act as if I don't exist
Afterwards, and not a single
Thank you is ever spoken.

You are different from them,
For you stand by my side
No matter the circumstances
And you always make sure
My presence is known.

I may have known you
Far shorter than my family,
But you've made me happier
In a few minutes than they did
During the entire period I've known them.

Just so you know,
I see you as more family
Than the people who
Are my own flesh and blood.

Unlike my family,
You haven't disappointed
Me one bit, and the chances
Of you ever doing so
Is as good as none.

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