My Precious Angel

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There was this girl.
Her beauty was beyond a pearl's.
Every time I looked into her eyes,
I saw an angel
Who would always be there for me.

Flash forward to the present.
It's 12 in the morning,
And there's this heavy feeling
I can't get out of my chest
Because memories of our time together
Are clouding my brain.

When I look at my surroundings,
All I see is black and white,
And if there's any color that remains,
They are messy blobs of all shapes and sizes.

I remember the times when she cried.
My arms were always wrapped around her
While I kept whispering to her ears
That she will pull through her hardships
Because I'd always be there to help.

I gave her everything she wanted.
She smiled at me,
And I smiled back,
But who knew that I misread her smile?

The moment she had it all
She abandoned me,
And left me with nothing
After everything I did for her.

If only I wasn't blinded by my heart,
If only my mind was there to save me,
I would've known that was
The most devious smile I've ever seen.

The signs were there,
And I should've paid attention,
But I kept playing along
Because I was addicted to this drug.

This very drug snuffs out your soul,
Rendering your body as a mindless vessel
That continues to walk the Earth
Until it finally gives out.

There was this girl.
Her beauty was beyond a pearl's,
But underneath it lied a heart as black as coal.
Every time I looked into her eyes,
I saw an angel
When it was a demon in disguise.

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