Love and Lust

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Love and lust.
Before, I saw the difference between them
But now I realize they're the same thing.
They involve a strong affection
Towards a particular person,
Which causes them to act irrational.

It is difficult to resist the feeling,
And when a wedge is drawn
Between you and your desire,
It's like you've withdrawn from a drug
That you've grown so dependent
On to the point you cannot
Imagine happiness without it.

Even when you get over the feeling,
It doesn't take much to get you sucked
In all over again where all your progress
Moving on would be all for nothing
As you'd be all the way back to square one.

You may resist or embrace the feeling.
Whichever choice you make,
There will come a point where
You think whatever experience you gained
To maintain self-control will pay off,
Only to realize you were wrong.

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