Chapter 23

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With that word, Tut and Sierra sprung at each other, throwing punches left and right. Their fists becoming a blur as they both deflected each blow coming from the other person.

"And it seems like these two might be evenly matched!" Love Helm announced.

"Evenly matched my ass!" Tut shouted, jumping back to avoid the onslaught of punches. "This time I'll beat you for sure!"

Sierra scoffed, and jumped back to the other side of the arena, "You jumped back earlier than you normally do. Have you gotten soft over this hundred years?" Sierra taunted, "What have you been doing? Sitting around?"

"Well, I was wondering around the country for like, ten years, and after getting bored, I let myself get arrested. Didn't realize 90 years had passed."

"Well, in those 90 years you were sitting on your ass chained to a wall probably, I was out getting stronger."

Tut grinned, "Well, let's see if you actually did get stronger." Tut said, and he was gone, appearing right in front of Sierra, swinging and punching her jaw.

She flew back, and the crowd let out gasps of shock.

"This might be a quirk one folks, Sierra is already making her way towards the edge of the arena!" Love Helm shouted.

Though just before she did, Sierra grabbed the edge of the arena with her hands, after a second of stabling herself, she flung herself up, landing on the opposite side the arena, safely away from the edge.

"No way! Sierra flung herself all the way to the other side of the arena at the last centimeter!" Love Helm announced in shock.

"Looks like you haven't gotten stronger." Sierra said, turning around and stretching her arm. "This will be a piece of cake."

Brooks watched as the two battled it out among them, neither of them actually letting up, until they both pulled away from each other, panting.

"Looks like they're both almost run out of stamina folks!"

"Looks like this match is going to to to Sierra." Diane stated, she didn't look half as tired as Tut did.

"Nope. This isn't close to being over." Aria stated, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

"What do you mean by that?" King asked.

"One of Tut's abilities is called Endless Stamina." Brooks explained, "Much like the name, once activated, he can have endless stamina, though, there is one drawback, let's see what happens." She motioned towards him, and watched as a tan aura surrounded him, the tired expression on his face disappearing, replacing it was a wide toothy grin, his eyes burning with determination.

"Well, well, looks you finally activated your ability!" Sierra exclaimed, a smirk on her face. "Then this is going to get interesting." Her hair swayed behind her, even though there was no wind.

"I think you're going to eat the ground." Tut taunted.

"Sure, after you eat if of course. That is your element, right?" She taunted.

Tut growled, and flung himself at Sierra, who moved to the side with ease. "Looks like you're still a little clutzy."

Tut growled, and flung himself at Sierra again, grabbing a hold of her arm.

"Looks like Tut's got the lady in his grasp!" Love Helm shouted, "And he's spinning her round and round- aw man, now I'm getting dizzy."

Tut kept on spinning Sierra, planning on letting go in three... two... one. Letting go of her arm, Tut expected to see her go flying, but that wasn't the case. Looking at his arm, he noticed that she was still there, holding onto his arm.

"Looks like your plan didn't go too well." She mused, sticking her tongue out. She fell back into her feet, keeping her grip firm on Tut's arm.

"It looks like Sierra isn't one bit effected by that spinning!" Love Helm announced, "I don't know how, because just by watching that I'm about to pass out! But now, it looks like the tables have turned!"

Sierra was now the one spinning Tut, but he manipulated the earth to surround his feet, making him drop to the ground,  by the sheer weight, the arena cracking more than it already was underneath him. The rock that was surrounding his feet crumbled away, the ruble falling through the cracks.

"Looks like I'll need to be stronger." Sierra said, and she was suddenly surrounded by a light blue Aura, Tut's tan aura started to deplete slowly.

"What is she doing?" King asked.

"It's her hidden ability." Capspar answered. "Pretty much our ability that we unlock as we get stronger. So far, only three of us have it. Me, Commander, and her."

"So you two got your hidden abilities?" Brooks asked, looking at Caspar with curiosity.

He nodded, "Sierra's is Power manipulation. She can manipulate the power that someone has, either taking it away from them and making it disappear, or she can use it herself."

"That's quite a strong ability." Brooks stated in amazement, turning her attention back to the fight.

By now, Tut and Sierra had pulled away from each other, each standing on opposite sides of the arena. That's a dirty move!" He shouted, it was obvious by the expression in his face that he was already loosing stamina. The tan aura around him becoming barely visible.

"Well, that's not going to stop me form beating your ass!" He shouted, lunging towards Sierra.

"So this is what it's like to have endless stamina." She said, easily dodging to the side. "I feel as light as a feather!"

"Give me back my power, Scorpion brain!" Tut shouted, stumbling near the edge.

"I quite like this power, I think I might keep it." She stuck out her tongue, taunting Tut.

"Well I think I'm gonna... beat... your..." The aura around Tut disappeared, and he stumbled back.

"Is this the drawback of his ability?" Meliodas asked.

"Yup. Once he deactivates it, he kind of... well, faints." Brooks said with a sigh. "This is mainly the reason he looses many of the fights they have between them."

"And it looks like the victor is- wait no way, she's fainted too!" Love Helm announced.

"And I guess that drawback is transferred..." Aria sighed.

"Looks like they've both been disqualified!" Love Helm shouted.

Brooks jumped up onto arena, Caspar following after her, he walked over to Sierra and draped her over his shoulder, while Brooks grabbed Tut by his horns and started dragging him off the arena.

When they got the group, the two were left on the ground, passed out.

"Should we do anything?" Diane asked.

"Nah, they'll come too in a couple minutes." Brooks responded calmly.

"Well then folks, this brings us to our final match of the prelims! Baan vs. Meliodath!"

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