Chapter 24

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"This'll be interesting." Brooks mused to herself, watching as the two walked up.

"Capta- I-I mean Meliodath, go get em'!" Diane shouted excitedly.

"Hey, Baan," King yelled, "If you screw up and loose this match, I'm gonna tell Elaine!"

From the corner of her eye, Brooks watched as Gabriel flinched, glancing over at King, confusion in his gaze.

"Oh that's right." Diane said, and Brooks turned her head, watching as Diane moved the scarf out of the way.

'So that's what happened to the princess.' She thought, seeing the tiny Elizabeth looking out

"You can cheer too Elizabeth. You don't have to worry, nobody's gonna see you."

"Time for the match to get underway!" Love Helm shouted, and the gong marked the start of the match. "Will this match be anything like the last one? Let's find out!"

The two were stretching, and Brooks was able to catch their conversation over the cheering.

"Sure would be nice if we had more room to move around." Ban stated, causing Meliodas to chuckle. "So what's with the laughing, you really looking forwards to fighting me that much, Captain?" He cracked his knuckles, a cocky smirk on his face.

"I was thinking of the old days." Meliodas answered, "We had about this much space then, didn't we?"

"It's been a while." Ban replied, "Which time are you talking about?"

Meliodas raised his hands in the air, "Don't worry, you'll remember soon enough." With that, he disappeared, dust clouding the place her previously was, and not even a split second later, he reappeared beside Ban, punching his cheek.

The crowd gasped in a mixture of shock and horror.

"Oh yeah." Ban stated, moving slightly to the side. "I think I remember now."

"Hm? What's happening." Someone groaned, and Brooks tore her eye away from the stumbling Ban to see Sierra sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

"Ban and Meliodas are fighting." Caspar answered her, helping her up.

"Are they now?" Sierra asked, yawning, "This is bound to be interesting. That reminds me, who won our fight?"

"Neither of you." Gabriel answered, slightly amused, "You both passed out after Tut's ability wore off."

"So, are we both out then?" Sierra asked, looking towards the arena. "Damn, and here I was really hoping I could fight one of the sins."

"You will in due time, Sierra." Caspar assured.

"I guess." She sighed, "Well, whatever, this fight should be interesting."

"Oh, right, here, you can have this back." Brooks said, handing Sierra back her whip, watching as her friend took and and tied her hair back up into it's previous style.


Brooks nodded, then turned her attention back to the fight, ignoring the still sleeping Tut on the ground.

Ban had stopped himself from falling off the edge and ending the match so soon. He grabbed onto Meliodas as he was still in the air, thrusting him to the ground, where Meliodas wrapped his legs around Ban and flipped him over, Ban grabbed Meliodas' legs and flipped him down, sending him flying as he brought the boy down on his knee.

While in the air, Ban jumped up and started to throw punch after punch at Meliodas, and once they were high enough in the air, Meliodas shouted something and punched Ban, sending him pummeling down towards the arena, landing on it with enough force to crack the whole mountain in two.

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