Chapter 42

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Looking down at the pinkette, Gabriel noticed that her whole demeanor had changed.

Her usual shy, timid expression was gone, and her eyes blazed with anger and power, though she managed to make herself look innocent and childish. "Gabriel, what are you doing up there?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Oh, you know, just hanging out." They replied. "But now that you're here..." with a swift movement of their hand, blades of wind sliced up the vines that were confining them. "Let's put on a show." In an instant, Gabriel's and Aria's power spiked up, high enough for that even non-magical beings were able to feel the pressure of the magic.

Aria looked up at Gabriel, and nodded with a grin on her face. "Let's." She answered.

"Oh please, what can some twins and an innocent little Minotaur can do?" Helbram asked.

"A Minotaur?" King asked weakly from beside Diane, looking up at the two Zodiacs.

Aria waved her hand dismissively in a way to say that she would talk about it later. Reaching out to her side, there was a sudden glow and her weapon appeared in her hand, the huge lance looking awkward in the girl's hand, seeming to be much bigger and heavier than what she could handle.

"Gabriel, would you do the pleasures?" She asked, looking at them.

"Don't mind if I do." Gabriel said, reaching their hand towards Aria and flicking it, a sudden gust of wind flipping her up and towards Helbram, who was still floating in the same spot with a cocky overconfident grin on his face.

Positioning her weapon towards him, it started to grow bigger, engulfing itself in flame.

"Flaming Charge!" She casted, Har lance landing a direct hit on a surprised Helbram, knocking him towards the ground, a giant crater appearing underneath him.

"Looks like you two might actually put up a fight. Oh, this will be fun."


A small ways away Vivian had walked into a dark area, the only object to be seen was a giant twisting horn emitting a soft silver light. Walking up to it, Vivian had a certain glint in her eyes.

As if it sensed her, the horn started to glow purple.

"Vivian. Come to admit that you were wrong?" A voice asked, filling the room with the sound of multiple voices talking at once.

"Admit I was wrong? To you?" Vivian asked, letting out a laugh. "Honestly, I've had more fun here than I ever would back there." Her eyes narrowed. "I've come to say that I've found a better person to follow. And to say my final goodbyes. But it seems as if you're not up for heartwarming words, so I'll take my leave."

"Vivian, by leaving the clan, you as well agree that you are en exile?" The voices asked.

"I though I agreed when I didn't return 3,000 years ago for the war." Vivian replied, turning around and starting to walk out. "Now, I got some fights to get to and asses to pummel." She said, large, thin, black wings erupted from her back and she darted out of the area, passing by Hawk and Ban, who both seemed shocked that she was there.


"Man, your attacks pack a punch." Helbram said, wiping some blood off of his cheek.

The three of them had been fightining for a while, but they all refused to go down.

"Chastiefol!" A voice shouted, and Gabriel looked back to see King starting to float up, seeming to of slightly recovered from the brutal beating he had gotten earlier.

The said spear darted past Gabriel and straight towards Helbram, who dodged it with ease.

"Wow, Harlequin, is that all you have?" Helbram asked, only to gasp out in pain. The spear he had seen wasn't the actual Chastiefol.

In a waving motion, the real spear appeared, having stabbed Helbram's shoulder.

"Perception Manipulation." Gabriel started, "Creating illusions and overall manipulating anyone's perception of reality. Neat trick, right, Helbram?"

Helbram looked at them, a mixture of rage and pain showing in his eyes, though before he could move, or say something, King started to talk.

"I have something to ask you, do you still plan to continue, Helbram? After 700 years, do you still wanna wipe out the human race?"

"I don't just want to. I can't stop myself!" He shouted, the pain in his eyes disappearing. "I can't stop myself anymore! Listen up Holy Knights, I need all of your magical power! Give me every last bit you have!" Dissolving into Laughter, he raised his hands up into the air.

Gabriel looked at the green haired boy, watching as he absorbed purple orbs of light, repeating to words 'Here it comes' with excitement. After absorbing it all, Helbram split his sword into multiple smaller swords, each of them aiming themselves to either King, Aria, or Gabriel.

King shielded himself with Chastiefol, Aria deflected the blades with her lance, and Gabriel just flicked their wrist and deflected them with currents of air.

After the small wave, the three of them attacked Helbram, obviously starting to overpower him. Though Gabriel and Aria backed off slightly to let King deal the final blow. The two did have some history with each other after all. In a split second, King commanded Chastiefol and Helbram stopped moving, looking at King with a smile on his face.

Until blood started to rush out of his mouth and a wound on the opposite shoulder. He stayed floating for a couple more seconds before he slowly fell to the ground.

Aria and Gabriel made their way towards Diane, who was still passed out but still breathing. They decided to tend to the giant instead of eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

"Well, that was a battle." Aria started, looking towards other parts of the town. "I wonder how the others are doing."

Hey Sinners, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! It was fun writing it!

Though I do have a small announcement, I will be going on vacation for two weeks, and when I get back, school will start. (Like legit the day after I get back) So, I might not be able to update. I will try though, but I want to be able to spend time with family. (I don't want them to call em antisocial like they did last year ;-;)


I will try to get chapters written, but I might not be able to get them finished. Thanks for understanding!


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