Chapter 44

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Back in the capital, Liah and Leander were standing just behind Meliodas, staring down Hendrickson with the young King Aurthor Pendragon laying in rubble behind them.

"It's not very nice to end battles fast now, is it?" Liah asked, looking at Hendrickson with amusement in her eyes.

"Liah, Leander? What are you doing with this traitor?" He asked, not even sparing them a glance as his eyes were solely on Meliodas.

"Traitor? Man, if he's a traitor, then we must be traitors to. I mean... It wouldn't be the first time." Leander stated, "Besides, we're only here to help a friend out." He glanced down towards the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Nobody had a chance to say anything else, since Hendrickson sent a giant ball of black flames towards the three, Liah and Leander did nothing- watching as Meliodas sliced the tiny dagger he had through it causing the giant flaming ball back towards Hendrickson.

"Seems like you've gotten a lot stronger since the last time I saw you." Meliodas said casually. "But that's not going to stop me from getting Elizabeth back."

"Yeah! You go dragon boy!" Liah cheered. "But remember to leave some of him for us, there's a few things i want to... settle with him~" The girls gaze darkened as she licked her lips.

"Liah, we need to help Arthur. You can get your turn in a bit." Leander said, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Aw, you're no fun." She whimpered, but turned and walked towards the golden armor clad boy.

"Wait, who are you two? Sins as well?" Arther asked, looking at the two walking toward him.

"Us? No, we're in a different group- We're makin' a comeback." Leander said, removing some of the larger pieces of rubble from the king.

"You... You two are part of the zodiacs, aren't you?" He asked, realization striking him.

"You've got it!" Leah exclaimed, glancing back to see Hendrickson and Meliodas fightning. "Aw man! I wanna fight!"

"Liah, you're starting to act like Sierra and Tut." Leander warned. "Let's let them settle what they need to."


In the air, Vivian was flying around, searching for anybody that needed help. Civilians needing to be rescued from under piles of rubble, ongoing battles that she could jump in on. Though unfortunately she hadn't found anything interesting.

Until she spotted two familiar people walking down a street. The Holy Knight who teleported Brooks and Elizabeth away along with Giltunder.

Swooping down a little ways away from the two, Vivian listened in to their conversation.

"-He would make a worthy King in the world that's yet to come." The Holy Knight was saying.

"The world yet to come?" Gilthunder asked.

"Goodness, Gil. I mean the utopia that Hendrickson is striving for. Being kings or slaves won't matter. Only the powerful will remain and be able to obtain whatever their hearts desire."

"Can one survive a battle against the demon race?" Gilthunder asked, causing a pang of panic run though Vivian.

Are they trying to resurrect the demon race? She thought, glancing out from the small alleyway she was in to look towards the two.

"What's wrong. You're usually overflowing with confidence. This isn't like you."

"All I did was ask an honest question." Gilthunder stated.

"Don't worry, if fear of death should possess you I'd be happy to fight in your place. Even against demons."

How sappy. Vivian thought gagging silently, though she saw a small familiar glow appear around Gilthunder and the Holy Knight, immediately and without thinking, she jumped in, being teleported along with the two.

Immediately, she appeared close to the castle, seeing a couple familiar faces. "Liah! Leander!" She exclaimed, waving towards the two.

"Wait, when did you appear?" The Holy Knight asked.

"I dunno, but maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings when talking with someone so openly." Vivian said, her wings disappearing back into her back.

"Well, I hope you'r ready for a fight." The Holy Knight said, reaching out the staff in her hand and five Holy Knights appearing before the three Zodiacs.

"Well Vivian, looks like you'll finally get your fight." Leander stated.

"Aw yeah! Who's ready for a beat down?" Liah asked.

I apologize for the short chapter and long wait. Since school's started it's been hard juggling homework and writing- but I need to do homework first so i might be missing a couple chapter uploads every now and then. I apologize.

The Twelve Forgotten Zodiacs (SDS Fic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora