Chapter 31

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Some time had passed, and the sun was now setting, a beautiful sunset showing on the horizon.

Ban, Elizabeth, Hawk, and the found Zodiacs were looking at the rock that had been thrown down by Diane not to long ago.

"Hey!" A voice shouted, getting the attention of the group.

"Lady Diane!" Elizabeth exclaimed, running up to the giant.

Diane knelt down and opened her hand, a shirtless Meliodas sitting in it.

"Hey guy- woah!" He was cut off by Diane pressing him against her cheek, before putting him dow to the ground.

From behind Diane, Sage trotted up with Brooks sitting on his back, the Zodiacs catching sight of the two immediately running towards him.

"Commander! You're alright!" Aria exclaimed, "I was so worried!"

"Hey, don't I get any greeting?" Sage asked, crossing his arms with a fake pout on his face.

"Sage, mah man!" Tut exclaimed, a grin on his face as he leaned on the Centaur's shoulder, which kind of looked awkward, due to Sage being at least half a foot taller.

"Where did you find him, Commander?" Gabriel asked.

"Actually, I found her." Sage taunted.

"Ah, shut up." Brooks said tiredly.

"Well, if you hadn't gotten angry-" Sage started, his voice scolding.

Brooks just grunted, and she saw that her team was looking at her with concerned looks.

"You didn't go full nymph... did you?" Aria asked, obviously knowing what happened.

"No. Not fully." Brooks answered, sliding off of Sage's back, leaning against him for support.

"Well, I'm glad Sage found you when he did." Caspar stated.

"Who's this?" Meliodas asked, walking up to the group.

"Oh this is-" Aria started, before Meliodas was punched into the rock behind them.

"That's for earlier." Ban said, referring to when Meliodas punched him into the rock at the festival.

"Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth shouted, running towards him.

"But seriously, who is this?" Ban asked, looking at Sage.

"I'm Sage, pleasure to meet you." Sage introduced, a puff of smoke appearing as he turned into a more human form. "Also known as The Sign of the Archer, Sagittarius."

"So you're another one of the Zodiacs?" Diane asked.

"Yes I am, and who is this fair lady standing right in front of me?" Sage said, sparkles seeming to surround him.

Diane looked down at him, a heavy blush appearing on her face as she quickly turned around to ask King and Ban is any of their injuries are bothering them.

"Still a huge flirt, aren't you?" Sierra asked, standing next to him with a sigh.

"What did you expect?" Sage asked with a shrug.

Any response must of been cut off, the rock started to crumble to bit, revealing Griamore underneath, still holding Veronica in his arms.

"Griamore! Glad you're alright." Elizabeth said, running up to him.

"I shouldn't qualify to be a Holy Knight." Griamore said, mainly to himself. "I couldn't even protect you. Those were Princess Veronica's final orders to me. I ended up disobeying her. But... but I-" he got choked up, unable to continue.

"Thank you." Elizabeth said. "I know how much you cared for her. Please bury her in the shore of Piones Lake. That's all I ask of you. I can still remember how much fun the three of us used to have there. She loved it so much." With that, Elizabeth turned and walked away. Then she stopped short. "I'm gonna stop the Holy Knights no matter what. I swear!"

"Princess. How is it that you've become so strong?" Griamore asked, though Elizabeth didn't respond.

Brooks broke off from the staring group, and stopped a foot away from Griamore. "Thank you, for dedicating yourself to Veronica." She said quietly. "It's almost like... she got to live again, this time longer, adored by her subjects and not..." The second part was more to herself, but Griamore heard it, looking up at her in confusion, wanting her to say more. Brooks just smiled sadly and shook her head. "You'd better get going." She said louder this time, turning around, she walked back to the group, hearing a shuffle of fabric and then footsteps.

"That girl?" Sage started once Brooks reached the group again. "Is she-?"

Brooks nodded slightly. "Almost exactly like her." She breathed out, turning around to watch as Griamore walked away.

"Hey guys, do you think he'll go back to the kingdom?" Hawk asked.

"Beats me." Meliodas answered, "It seems the Holy Knights aren't as united as we thought they were."

"Look forget about all that, Captain, where's your sword?"

"Huh? Oh. I guess it was stolen." He answered nonchalantly.

"What?" Elizabeth asked. "Isn't that sword important to you? Is that really okay?"

"No. It's not at all, this situations serious. But- I'm glad you're alright." He turned towards Elizabeth with a smile on his face. "'Cause that's what really matters to me."

With that, Diane picked Meliodas up by the waistband of his pants.

"Don't you care if I'm okay?" Diane asked, her cheeks puffed out.

"What're you talkin' about?" Meliodas asked, "I can tell from here that you're doing just fine."

Diane huffed and Meliodas slid out of her grip, dropping to the ground.

"Hey, Commander." Sage started, "Why didn't those two Holy Knights recognize who I was?"

"Oh, about that." Brooks started, "Let me fill you in. But for now, let's head back to the pub, we've all had a long day."

The Twelve Forgotten Zodiacs (SDS Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें