Arc 1.1

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A/N: Above image is Guo De Meng

Added Note: For everyone who couldn't read the words inside of the image: I've gone back and written it out and added it to the Chapter.

Car popped out a scroll in front of Jia Yi that unraveled and explained the 'Plot' of the first World he will be transferred to. Jia Yi held it in his hands to read:

 Jia Yi held it in his hands to read:

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What is written in the above Image:

(Guo Fei Yan, the Female Lead, contracts some strange sickness and succeeds in scheduling an appointment with the most renowned Doctors, Zie Chang Zang and Xie Kai Li, Fraternal Twins who complete surgeries faster than other, more experienced Doctors.

Since she has such a strange 'disease' both the Doctors are intrigued to figure out what it is and don't realize at first that she is trying to seduce them. They spend a lot of time with her so that they can study her testing results. Guo Fei Yan adopts a naive and sweet type of personality in front of the Doctors; with her sickness she seems very weak and delicate.

They then finally figure out what is wrong with her, they're excited over a new discovery on a type of poison but also highly upset that this sweet girl that they've been around so long was actually poisoned. When asked she said she had eaten with her step brother right before she begun to start feeling strange and the Twins use their connections with the Underworld to investigate. When they can't find much evidence, Guo Fei Yan, tells them that Guo Meng is her Step Mother's son and not related to her, she accuses him of wanting her Father's Inheritance by getting rid of her.

Both twins fall in love with Guo Fei, so after finding a cure for her poison, they order their subordinates to collect Guo De as well as his Mother. They kill his mother in front of him and his 'sweet' sister comes in with the twins and kills him while crying crocodile tears.) 

"I'll accept the Task. I just need to make as many people as I can, within this world, have a 'Happy Ending', correct?"

[Yes, Host. If you don't make even one person happy that means you've failed this task.]

Car had a red metallic sheen after absorbing Jia Yi's blood. She also had a very immature girly voice that made Jia Yi feel as though he were talking to a Loli. 

"I'm going to exchange some of my K.P. before you transfer me into the World."

[Okay, Host. Also, be aware that some of the 'items' within the store may require you to stay within this Space until completion of learning. Will this affect your decision?]

"No. Either way, in the end, I will be transferring to this World whether now or after I'm done learning."

With Jia Yi's acceptance of the 'conditions', a window providing a list of items popped up in front of him. He scrolled through it as he hummed in thought. From the scroll he had gleaned the fact that Guo De was rather weak in protecting him and his mother. Jia Yi finally picked a few items:
Beginning Martial Arts -3200 K.P.
Body Cleansing -550 K.P.
Agility -200 K.P.

There were also items that could help him learn how to hack and work the computer but he was already extremely advanced with these types of things. Since he was a sort of introvert, his muscles and fighting ability was very poor; it didn't help that he was also an Omega.

In total he wasted 3,950 K.P. on the skills he wanted to learn. Car flashed a bright light that scanned his form before beeping. 'Success'

Immediately, they were moved into a different room that allowed Jia Yi to begin trying to master his chosen skills. 

[I'll see you once you've completely mastered your training, Host. Fighting!]

~Twenty-two years later~

[Wah, Host! You left Car alone for so long! Ah, you are practically glowing though.]

Car was referring to the fact that Jia Yi's increased skills had been added to his soul which was what his body currently was. 

"Now that I've learned the things I wanted to, transfer me to the body."

~Transferring.. ..

.. ..


Transfer Complete~

Jia Yi felt his body jerk at the navel and shut his eyes to stop from getting dizzy. He opened them back up and noticed the white ceiling above his head. He'd thought he was still back in the white room until he noticed the indigo sheets of the large fluffy bed. 


[Host, you are currently occupying Guo De Meng's body. His memories should automatically be transferring now.]

A pounding migraine rammed into his skull as the information begun to pour in. Jia Yi frowned when he looked through all the memories. Guo De looked like he was fourteen but had actually just turned eighteen. He also had a rare genetic disorder called Heterochromia Iridis which made one of his eyes pale blue while the other was red. Jia Yi would label him an Albino except his eyebrows and eyelashes were darker than the 'silver' hair he sported. 

This world wasn't like Earth nor like the people of his Solar System so it was difficult to understand the reasoning behind his eye and hair color. Jia Yi went through the memories Guo De had of this 'sister' of his. 

It seems he arrived the night that his sister and him had eaten together. This was the day that his 'sweet sister' decided to poison herself and set up an appointment with the twins. From the memories, he found out that half a year ago when there was a huge article about the Twin Genius' in the paper, Guo Yan wouldn't stop gushing about them. 

'So, she had been planning this for a long time. Truly such a scheming bitch. For her to be able to think up such a huge drama is unthinkable. Isn't she exhausted having to pretend so much? Whatever. Regardless, I won't let her win this time around.'

"Car, are you capable of tracking the Twins down and keeping me informed on what they're doing? After my darling sister schedules her appointment, I'll need to have a 'coincidental' run in with them. Not while they're Doctors though. Normal Doctors tend to split personal and business lives apart; which is why it took so long for Guo Yan to hook her claws into them."

[Yes, Host. I can track them down. I've also got a surveillance function. Would you like for me to set up cameras in the places they often frequent?]

"Yes. Also, make sure to add video surveillance of their Hospital Rooms and Guo Yan's room. I almost forgot! The twins are a part of the Underground business so make sure to also hook up images for those 'dirty' places as well. If the worst thing happens and I need a fall back, we can always turn in the evidence of their crimes to the police."

Car was secretly shocked with how intelligent her Host was but followed his instructions. While she went offline shortly, Jia Yi was integrating himself completely with Guo De. 

'This life I will make sure to protect both Guo De and his mother at the very least.'

With that goal in mind, he allowed himself to fall asleep so that he was well rested for tomorrow. 

A/N: It may seem short but that's because there is a lot of the writing within the image of the 'scroll'.

I will write a note here since so many have had a really hard time accepting '22 yrs' for some reason. Um, this is a FANTASY and I'm writing it for my own enjoyment while sharing it with others. I don't edit this at all. I chose 22 Years simply because I felt that MC was such an introvert that it would've taken him that long to regain muscle, work on auto responses, agility, and body cleansing to attach to the soul. But, if you are still gonna blow a fuse over it: My characters are fake, this entire story is a fake. So, does it really matter what number I chose?

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