Arc 3.8

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A/N: Is it bad that I just want to get through this arc? Actually to be honest, I wish I could quickly produce the entire book already. If there was a magic to write a book instantly that was in your head.. that would be the most useful tool someone invents.

P.S. I love Hyolyn. I will now write listening to this song. (Even though I really love watching the choreography in this MV)

Jae-Hwa massaged his hand as he finished locking up the Shop's door and let out a sigh. Sang-Hee had immediately whisked his sister away as soon as the last customer had left. He checked his phone to see if the 'plot' had progressed while he was working. 

'2 New Voicemails; 2 Missed Calls; 1 New Text Message'

"Huh. Looks like she finally got her lawyer to go to the police and file a court case." Jae-Hwa listened to the voicemail from the City's Justice Office notifying him that they were contacting him for an impending Court Case where he was being accused of Negligent Attempted Manslaughter. They wanted him to have his Lawyer get in contact with their Office. 

"Really? What a pain in the ass," he grumbled as he skipped to the next voicemail.

"Lover, I couldn't get you out of my thoughts. Oh, my brother is the same," there was a pause and a bit of scuffling before Jung-Hwan's voice came over the phone, "Come outside when you're off work."


Jae-Hwa looked at his phone in confusion and saved the voicemail since he was a sentimental fool. He checked the text message and it was from Min-Yung

<I'm going out with Sang-Hee to celebrate. Stay away from those bad men!>

"But sis, how can you tell me to stay away from my Mates," he asked with exasperation as he texted her back telling her to enjoy herself. 

He looked outside and saw a car parked in front of the shop but not in an obvious way. During the time he was dazedly staring at it, the passenger door opened and Sang-Ki stepped out and began waving his arm around to gain his attention. 

Jae-Hwa's eyes opened wide. 

"What in the world..."

He held a finger up for him to give him a minute and quickly ran upstairs to grab a jacket and keys before heading back down the stairs, locking the door behind him. Jae-Hwa opened the gate to the walkway for the Loft and walked around to the front to where they'd parked. 

"Lover! What took you so long," Sang-Ki ran over and wrapped his arms around Jae-Hwa. 

"I just sent my last customer off. Why aren't you working?"

Jung-Hwan stepped out of the car at that moment and Jae-Hwa felt doubly curious on why they weren't working.

"Eh? Well, we only take really important clients now. We leave normal ones for the employees. Speaking of which, why haven't you hired any employees yet?"

"Well, it's a shop for my sister and I. It's sort of a family business? I guess. Maybe a 'Family Shop' would be more accurate," he mused aloud. 

"Oh! So if Jung-Hwan and I marry you then it'll be okay if we work in the family shop, right?"

Jae-Hwa was still in Sang-Ki's arms so it was slightly difficult to look up and see his face but when he did he couldn't help blushing. That handsome face staring down at him with so much seriousness as he talked about marrying was.. kind of lewd. It made Jae-Hwa almost lose his inhibitions. 

"What? Did you fall in love with me," Sang-Ki grinned slyly as his face lowered and he spoke in a seductive tone. Jae-Hwa turned his head slightly away as his ears burned. Why did he feel like a little school girl? This wasn't the first time he's been with his mates but for some reason they were always able to get this type of reaction from him. 

"Enough, Sang-Ki." 

Jung-Hwan stepped forward and made Sang-Ki let go of the red faced Jae-Hwa. At that moment, Car popped up from out of nowhere.

[Host, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! Father Yses said that he thought there was something wrong with my data but when he checked he seemed to have lost the trail of whatever it was. He did a lot of looking around but still nothing. It took so long! Wuuu.]

'I'm not worried about it. Are you okay though?'

[Huu huu, Host is so nice! Caring about this defective system.]

'You're not defective. Anyways, I have a question that I've been meaning to ask.'

[What is it?]

'Is there a way to transfer money into an account within this world without pulling the money out first? If I were to pull out that amount of money it would look like I'm involved in shady business.'

[Yes! There's a specific account that is given to Hosts when they enter Modern Worlds where you have atm's invented. Here is the Card with the money inside and a checkbook. The money will be removed from the System Space automatically.]

'No one will question this bank that has been unheard of?'

[There are a lot of small banks that people never hear about. If it becomes a problem, the World will automatically fix it; like a glitch.]

During the time he was talking inside his head with Car, it had passed extremely quickly. Talking to Car was similar to having it instantly register in one another's heads since that was how they were talking. Jung-Hwan and Sang-Ki merely saw that Jae-Hwa was a bit dazed. 

"You seem a bit dazed, did something happen today that has you upset? Are you bothered? Did you get harassed by a Customer?"

Sang-Ki began firing off questions before Jae-Hwa could give a response. That reminded him suddenly of the Voicemail about the Court Case filed against him. 

"Ah, you just reminded me that I need to contact a lawyer."

"A lawyer," Jung-Hwan asked as he pulled Jae-Hwa closer as though afraid he'd disappear.

"Yes. It would seem that a famous customer has contracted an STD and is trying to say she got it from my Shop."

"Absurd. You're the number one tattooing artist. You'd never make that mistake," Jung-Hwan stated clearly as though it were natural for him to be the number one of everything. Snag-Ki nodded his head in agreement even as he gritted his teeth in order to not say something bothersome. 

"Well, it's not like I believe that it was from my clinic. I have video footage evidence that I wore gloves and used only brand new equipment. If she caught something due to the tattoo it most likely was because she wasn't providing proper aftercare. However, I've got a written medical report from her before tattooing that she had HIV." Jae-Hwa shrugged his shoulders as he begun trying to search for a lawyer. 

"Don't worry about finding one. We'll call ours," Jung-Hwan said as he held his hand over Jae-Hwa's moving fingers. 

"Eh? Are you sure?"

"Don't worry. It's our Uncle and he's the number one lawyer of the city," Sang-Ki said proudly. 

"Are you sure he wouldn't be working for the person trying to have me arrested?"

"No way would he take this type of case. He knows all about tattoos and even if he was paid a lot, if someone is trying to bad mouth tattoo artist in this type of way, he won't forgive them," Sang-Ki assured him. 

"En. I'll listen to you," he said to the both of them and waited for Jung-Hwan to call his uncle. 

Their Uncle agreed to meet with them that night so the twins packed Jae-Hwa into the car and left the parking lot. 

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