Arc 3.6

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A/N: This Chapter is with the help of this song. ^ I love this song. 

After they finished eating the twins were close on either side of Jae-Hwa as they led him back to his Loft. His phone vibrated and looked down at it. 

<Little Brother, I'm going to stay the night with Sang-Hee. I'll be back before the Shop opens though! Stay safe and make sure to feed yourself properly.>

"Haa? Well then," he mumbled to himself as he responded back with an 'Okay'.

"Oh? Sister Min-Yung is leaving you at home by yourself," Sang-Ki asked as he was snooping at what was written on the message. Jae-Hwa raised an eyebrow and looked at Sang-Ki as though he was spouting the strangest thing ever. 

"You... Do you read people's texts over their shoulder often??? Don't you know that's rude," Jae-Hwa asked as he tried to pick up his speed. Unfortunately, with his short legs, it was easy for the two men to keep up with him. 

"Only yours," he responded cheekily as he reached forward to tug the loose flannel that Jae-Hwa was wearing and causing him to stumble backwards into his arms. 

Sang-Ki allowed his long hair to shroud both their faces and gave the entire atmosphere an ambiguous flavor. 

"What are you doing,"  Jae-Hwa mumbled but didn't really attempt to leave the confines of those beautifully tattooed arms. 

"Does it matter? You don't seem too adverse to my arms being around your cute body.." Sang-Ki had begun to lean towards those plump lips that were so close but Jung-Hwan interrupted them.

"Outside," he simply said the one word and gave Sang-Ki a pointed look before tugging the small body of Jae-Hwa into his 'ripped' arms. "We'll take you home."

He steered them in the direction of the shop and they were soon close to reaching his Loft. 

"It's fine to leave me here. I can get back just fine," Jae-Hwa said as he realized that both kept on following him even though the shop was visible from where they stood. 

"Ah? But I'm really thirsty.. what to do??"

Jae-Hwa knew that Sang-Ki wasn't really 'thirsty', he just wanted to attack him behind closed doors. He could've demanded them to turn back and refused them entry but even though he was the 'weaker' link of their soul connection, that didn't mean he hadn't felt the strong tug of lust that had begun to heat up low in his abdomen. 

He gave Sang-Ki an exasperated look before relenting and leading them towards the Loft. They reached the simple walkway leading to the gate which opened towards the back entrance where you could enter the 'living area' rather than the Shop. Jae-Hwa unlocked the door and walked up the stairs to enter the kitchen. Both men followed behind him and seemed to be looking around as though intrigued by the randomly framed paintings or old family photos. 

"Is this your parents," Jung-Hwan asked as he stared at an enlarged photo placed on the wall in front of the couch. 

It was a picture taken of the four member family at the beach. Jae-Hwa was in only small shorts to swim in and his father had placed him on his shoulders. Tiny Jae-Hwa had grabbed handfuls of his father's hair to keep his balance. Min-Yung was clinging to the arm of a laughing woman that was their mother. Everyone seemed to be smiling within the photo; it was one of the last photos they'd taken together as a family. 

"Yes," he answered quietly as he prepared some tea to serve his guests. Sang-Ki seemed to notice the type of mood that Jae-Hwa was in and walked towards him within the kitchen. 

His back leaned against the counter, while his arms were bent back to give him a bit of support. Silver eyes stared deeply at the other before saying, "It's so strange but.. you feel different than before. Everytime I look at you it feels like I've done this a thousand times before," he shook his head slightly before continuing, "No.. not with this face. It was still you but a different face."

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