Arc 4.2

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A/N: To answer your questions: Yes, the original owner of the body was raped for the past 6 months and had been living in a semi-dead/lost soul type of state. It is needed for this plot that the body MC migrated into had been subjected to such torment. My apologies. However, I won't be going into great detail about it so you don't need to worry about that. 

Sorry to my Readers wanting the MC to meet his lovers immediately. I'm not sure when I'll have him find them but it won't be this chapter at least.. I think? lol Who knows. Sometimes my writing takes me in strange directions.

Kyuwa had nodded off again while Xander directed the cart towards the next Village. He was shaken awake as the cart passed through the entrance to the Village. 

"Kyuwa, if you like, you can stay at my place until you head on your way. It has already gotten this dark and the weather is bad. Plus, you don't have anything protect your feet," Xander said with concern as he stared at those muddy and cut up feet. 

"I don't want to impose," he responded.

"Not at all. My wife should already be making dinner," Xander said laughingly and convinced Kyuwa to join them for dinner and a nice rest. 

"Then, I shall impose on you."

Xander led the cart further into the Village and guided it towards a dirt pathed road that led to a slightly dirty looking house. There was a bit of overgrowth in the front but the inside seemed to be lit with light and a fire was going, as the smoke seeping from the roof was tell-tell signs of. 

Xander led the Horses into a gated area at the side of their house with a small roof covering it before walking back to guide Kyuwa into the house. 

Kyuwa kept his head lowered and greeted the man's wife when he was introduced. The house was warm and he began to relax a bit as they sat down to eat. 

"Kyuwa, how long have you been traveling for?"

"I only began walking from Town today but.. somehow woke without shoes on."

Kyuwa didn't want to tell the truth and it was somehow difficult to lie about this sort of thing so he ended up telling a half truth. 

"Ha Ha! You must've fallen asleep on the side of the road before I met you and gotten them taken from some small time bandit. Listen to this Liza, this guy was completely passed out on the side of the road when I found him."

His wife joined him in laughing and Kyuwa lifted his head to look at the pair of husband and wife as they laughed together at his expense. It's just that, at that moment, his eyes met with Liza's and the previously laughing face turned into fear. 

Her scream pierced the air and the table was knocked over as Xander reacted to his Wife's terror. Kyuwa stood and began to back away from the couple with his hands held out in front of him to show he wasn't going to harm them.

"Xander! It's a Demon!"

"You! What were you thinking of doing, tricking me into bringing you into my home?! Get out of my house, otherwise don't mind me being impolite!"

Xander held a carving knife in his hand as he took a step towards Kyuwa. Kyuwa sighed at his bad luck and gave a slight incline of his head. 

"My apologies. I will leave."

"Don't try to gain our sympathy, you Demon," Liza shouted as she clung to her husband. 

Kyuwa didn't even respond and exited the dwelling before running on bare feet towards the outside of the village. It wouldn't be long until they rounded up more of the Villagers to try and kill the 'Demon' that had snuck into their village. These types of things will always happen no matter where he goes; this is why it is better to not talk to people.

"Haa.. Haa.. Haa.." Kyuwa breathed heavily as his legs collapsed beneath him about 4 miles out of the village. The night was rolling in and the first rain began to pelt down on his head. There were a few trees interspersed along the road but it wasn't efficient cover. However, there was no other option for him at this point, he needed to find anything that could allow him to survive even if for just one more day. 

"I'm beginning to miss Car's persistent nagging. I wish my Husbands were here," Kyuwa relaxed beneath one of the trees and stared out at the night sky that was shrouded in heavy dark clouds. 

Thankfully he was able to eat some of the food that Liza had made before they became suspicious of him; otherwise he would need to eat the meager amount of food he had been able to scrape together. Would he really be able to sleep out here in the open tonight?

Looking around, he was surrounded by tall grass and anything could be lurking within. Kyuwa glanced up and saw a few low hanging branches that he could grab hold of and dragged his tired body up. There was a thick branch that would be comfortable enough to relax against and he sat down before leaning against the trunk of the tree. Fortunately, there were two smaller branches that caged this one in a bit higher up; giving Kyuwa support as though he were in a car seat. 

Kyuwa closed his eyes and went through the technique to strengthening his soulforce so that he wouldn't be weak if someone attempted to kidnap him again. It was pretty simple really; all he needed to do was enter a meditative state and bring the Planet's source energy within himself before refining it and merging with his own source energy that made up his soul.

This planet's source energy 'tasted' different from his own planet's. His planet's source energy had the flavor of crisp green apples dipped in caramel but this one was similar to chocolate raisins; maybe it was because they were in different solar systems?

Regardless though, he would completely refine all the source energy that he could. He would become stronger and find his Husbands before returning to the System's Space and seeing Car again. Hopefully that time she will be fixed and no longer have a virus. Although he didn't speak as much with her during Tasks, he still worried about her health; even if she was merely a 'system'.

Kyuwa practiced the meditative technique and felt his soul force begin to expand, allowing him to feel a deeper connection with his Mates. He could feel that they had actually migrated into this world with him. There was no definitive direction or feeling of who they were but at least he now knew that they were definitely within the same world. 

He let out a breath and relaxed further into the tree before allowing his mind to completely shut down, even as the rain slipped past the leaves and fell onto his body. It would be a long night and an even longer day tomorrow. 

@thelightindelight You wanted to see the other picture 

@thelightindelight You wanted to see the other picture 

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MC is a mix between the previous picture and this one. He has a sort of 'demonic' beauty.

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