Arc 6.8

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(I seriously love this song and video. OMG FANGIRL ON THE UNDERTAKERxSEBASTIAN! Seriously.. I went full blown Fujoshi there. . if only, if only. My poor heart. Also, would like to say that I'm not sure how my releases will be considering the fact that I'm currently extremely busy in Real Life. I will try to keep up with my updates but Real Life is taking precedence atm.)

Marc and Jemma were walking along the shoulder of the Highway near the forested area. Occasionally a car would drive past, dodging wrecked cars and dead bodies. Marc was honestly used to the sights of death from all his past experience, so this was nothing new to him. Every now and then they'd need to fend off a Zombie or two but otherwise they kept trekking.

"So, do you got any nifty magic? I've noticed that you seem to be stronger and a better fighter than previously," Jemma commented. 

Marc nearly tripped over his own feet because he hadn't expected that to be the first thing out of her mouth as they continued their pursuit for the second base.

"Maybe that's from whatever is happening as well. I'm unsure. Even you couldn't tell the difference about yourself."

Jemma let that train of conversation go.

"Want some water?"

He watched as she pulled the jug from the large bag she was carrying and took a swig before passing it over. They were currently on a small 'down time' between the next batch of zombies that was sure to come out of the damned forest.

Marc had been thinking over the solution to his problems as he walked. There wasn't much else to do aside from the occasional killing but even that wasn't enough to keep his mind distracted. This world was turning out to be a huge problem for him. Even if he were to somehow counteract the virus somehow, they would be left with humans who somehow gained abilities. Thus creating a power vacuum in the Universe which he doubted the World would supplement for. 

It never ceased to amaze him how balanced everything had to be within a World. People had long wondered why there couldn't be 'peace' and why wars were being waged. If they stood back and looked at it objectively, the World was making up for the overabundance of life. Humans populated vast amounts of land far too quickly, which takes up resources. In some cases, natural disasters take root and cull off the 'excess'. Marc had long ago found out that this was some sort of 'system' that was a natural defence of every planet or Universe. 

Not as though he particularly enjoyed knowing this but it was nice to have that sort of knowledge. It made him think about his original Universe. A place where they'd been hunted down by an alien lifeform. In a way, this was a way to cull off the 'excess' as well. Except, he was almost positive that this was merely to weed out the strong and weak. An Alpha will always choose to protect an Omega over a Beta in his Universe. Which, more often than not, meant the deaths of handfuls of Betas. 

He was jarred from his thoughts by a shout. 

"Jemma! Marc!"

He looked towards the distance and zeroed in on a group of men and women wearing fatigues, covered in zombie blood. Unlike him and Jemma, they had actual guns and gear to fend off the shambling dead. 

"Fabian! It's good to see you guys," Jemma shouted back. 

This was a new name and Marc briefly registered that this Fabian was a Unit Leader of some sort for those they worked for. 

"What are you guys doing out here," she asked as they finally reached the group.

"Sergeant sent us out to search Base 1 for any survivors. Seeing as the both of you are walking this long stretch of road.. I'm guessing that's a no-go?"

Fabian had a slight accent that hinted at a mixed background and possibly a different first language. Marc observed the other people that were part of the group.

There was a female with blonde hair tied up in a tight bun with a pretty face. However, she was almost as stacked as the men she was walking with and Marc would've been frightened of her crushing him had he been a mere mortal. Next to the blonde was a man with light brown hair and a scar that ran along his jaw and curved towards his lip, giving him a perpetual scowl. As Marc looked into his eyes though, he merely saw kindness in them. It was shocking. 

A petite female of asian descent stood on his right and looked for all intents as though she didn't belong. However, looks are deceiving. This one he actually did remember somehow. Her name was Mi Chang Li and was commonly known as the Warning. Which was an oxymoron if he ever heard one because she gave no warnings and her appearance gave people a false sense of security. To Marc, he appreciated how ruthless and quick with a large blade she was. She was also 'top dog' at hitting the mark every time. 

Fabian was the last one he looked towards and examined. He was a decently sized male but looked very 'plain' and seemed to be almost unremarkable in comparison to his comrades. However, he wasn't the Unit Leader for nothing. If someone like Mi Chang Li was beneath him.. well, Marc could only guess at what he was known for. 

"No one else survived. We barely got out of the Base ourselves. Marc wanted to head to the Second Base so that he could begin trying to counteract whatever is happening with the Zombies. He thinks it's in the water.. You've not been drinking untapped water by any chance?"

"Of course not. Sarge told us to stick to canned and filtered stuff from the bunkers we got down there," the guy with the scar said.

"Why don't we head back to the Base and get Marc setup," Fabian suggested. 

Marc just nodded his head in acknowledgement. He didn't really want to say much because he wasn't actually sure if he was close to these people before jumping into this body. Better safe than sorry. 

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