Arc 2.13

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A/N: I feel the need to say this again, just to clarify. This is a Rough draft of a book. I'm writing freestyle. I don't check what I'm writing. There is going to be scenes of sex and quite possibly other things that some may find disgusting; so if you've got a weak heart, turn back now. There is bound to be mistakes in this Novel since I don't have proper sleep and usually I write chapters while I'm falling asleep. -_- I'm not forcing anyone to read my book: I write firstly, for Myself and secondly, for my Readers. 

Two months had passed in a sort of monotonous manner for Zhong Yi. Although he was able to spend his days with the second and third Prince, there was still the random visits the Emperor made. Not only did it make him feel uncomfortable, but he was also irritated. Due to him becoming a beauty though, the assassination looked to be moving up. 

A week ago, the Emperor had ordered the twins to head to the North to assist in the battle. Zhong Yi was worried sick and when he had Car go find out why the story had changed this bit, she found out it was because they had been spending so much time with him. He really felt like killing the Emperor himself at that time. 

Since the twins were now put in a position of danger, Zhong Yi couldn't decide on whether it would be better to go to the border or stay within the palace in order to handle the backlash of the Emperor being assassinated. 

He gripped his hand before saying, "Car, I'll need you to do something very important."

[What is it, Host?]

"I'm heading towards the border to assure myself that my men won't die. During this time, I need you to monitor everyone's situation."

[Host, I would love to help but... I don't think I'll be able to watch everything that you've got in mind.]

Zhong Yi understood. Before, he had given her a lot of tasks to perform but there was added technology to ease the burden on her 'shoulders'.

"Is there a way for me to use modern technology within this ancient time?"

[Yes. However, it'll cost a bit of K.P.]

Car seemed a bit nervous and Zhong Yi couldn't fault her since K.P. was very important in order for him to regain a body. However, if he was able to use a laptop and other advanced equipment in this time period, it would ease a lot of his worries. She opened the store for Zhong Yi and moved towards the section with the technology he was looking for. 

There was a vast amount of electronics within the shop and some that he has never seen before. Surprisingly, there was even a section for his own products. The fact that the shop was attempting to make him use K.P. to buy his own product.. he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 

By the end of him buying things, he was down another hundred K.P. At first, Zhong Yi had thought it would be really expensive but surprisingly it wasn't to bad. 

Car seemed to understand his surprise and said, [Host, the items within the electronics are priced so 'low' because they are materialistic things; similar to clothing.]

Materialistic? Well, that's fine. It's not as though I'm complaining for the prices. Zhong Yi had bought:

-1 Laptop

-1 Solar Charger

-30 Pint-sized Energy Operated Cameras

-Universal Internet


-Music Player Dock

-Music Player

He had missed listening to music as he droned on with his tasks of typing away at his computer. Zhong Yi was unsure of the amount of cameras he would actually need but decided on the thirty for now. Once he began booting up the laptop, he jumped immediately into the process of hooking each camera to the system. The image was of his room was played back to him on the screen and he knew that he had properly connected the two.

Zhong Yi suddenly thought of something and asked Car, "Is there a way to connect my soul directly to the computer's data? Considering the fact that we are in an ancient era where this type of thing isn't even thought of yet, it would make monitoring a lot easier as well."

[Umm... there is, Host. However, it is a bit expensive and it is a type of Magic Skill. You barely meet the criteria at the moment to learn it.]

"Show me."

Car pulled the store up and flipped through to one of the last 'unlocked' items that said Mind, Body, Heart; One with Technology. Zhong Yi raised an eyebrow at the name but clicked on the item to pull up the description and how much it would cost. 

Mind, Body, Heart; One with Technology: An extremely advanced technique allowing the Host to essentially becoming a part of whatever electronic they wish to. This technique splits pieces of the Host's soul apart to invade the electric currents produced from the items in question and provide an immediate feedback to the brain. 

K.P. 6,050

Zhong Yi felt like cursing at that stupid amount of K.P. Hadn't Beginning Martial Arts been way less than that?? Car didn't speak up about it since she knew her Host was upset. 

He finally relented and clicked the button to begin the synchronization between the technique and his body. As he closed his eyes to assimilate with it, he didn't realize Car had pulled him into a Space where time was irrelevant. He hadn't been made aware that it would take a while for him to 100% merge with this new technique. 

8 Years Later

Zhong Yi opened his eyes to see an entire black space surrounding him but didn't immediately panic since he saw a floating semi red ball. 

[Host, you finally finished learning the technique?]

"Yes. It is completely merged with my body. . Where are we," he asked once he realized that Car hadn't spoken up about it.

[This is the System's Space where time is irrelevant. It took you over 8 years to merge with this new skill. I'll be sending you back to your body now.]

Before he could even voice his concerns, he was suddenly thrust back to the world he was currently residing in. It was as though he had never left and he was still sitting in the same spot with a few electronics surrounding him. He immediately put the items inside of his storage after he utilized the technique to link his soul to them. Zhong Yi also instructed Car to place the cameras in specific places since she was able to immediately pop up anywhere within these worlds.

After she put the cameras up, he launched the equipment to immediately begin streaming the images into his head to analyze. It should've been to much information for his one person to go through but with this technique it felt as though he were split into an infinite amount of people who could skim the videos without flaw. 

One he had all of that taken care of, he put a hanfu for traveling, on and made way to Cui Rong's room to bring him along. It would be good experience for him to be in a real battle and if Zhong Yi left him within the courtyard, he wasn't sure who would kill the other first; either Cui Rong or the rest of the servants. It was better to just bring him along though. 

They set off towards the North with no one else the wiser.

A/N: I'll just eat my honey dew. 

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