Arc 6.3

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(I finished it)

Jia Yi wasn't one to handle the abuse of his Mates well. Somehow or another, here he was with Maverick, walking through the heat... after killing all but the children in a fit of rage. He blamed his lack of caring for human life. He'd lived so many lives as a Demon that it had honestly made his appreciation for Humans in general, neutral. Unless they provoked him unnecessarily. His mate had been unconscious but the group had attempted to abuse him into telling them what he had done, which snapped something inside Jia Yi.

He'd had to compel the children into believing there weren't mutilated bodies everywhere and his Mate seemed merely amused by his antics.

He huffed a breath. "Where is this damn settlement they were talking about before... well before all that happened."

Maverick looked at his mate with amusement as he dragged the four cells behind them. Jia Yi had offered to help but he had declined. If it had been the previous 'captain', she'd have left all but one to check if the skiv was compatible. What was the use? He'd just be more tired later and this way it was merely one trip.

He had been a bit upset that he hadn't been the one to kill the merc but since his Mate seemed to need to let off steam, this way was better. Maverick knew snippets of his mate from the memories of their previous lives so he wasn't surprised that Jia Yi had spared the children.

"It should be close by. The children have fallen asleep," Maverick commented as he turned to look back at the batteries he was carrying and the children who had laid themselves on top of them.

"It's been over twenty-four hours. Just because the suns never set doesn't mean that they shouldn't sleep."

"I know. I'm beginning to feel tired as well but I can last a bit longer."

They spotted the settlement in the distance and seemed to gain an energy boost. Jia Yi even disregarded Maverick and began helping him pull the batteries and children in order to reach it faster.

Once they reached the settlement, Maverick began to work on the skiv as Jia Yi carried the children into a relatively safe abode. He could feel the vibrations in the ground coming from one of the buildings; which he was steering clear of, irregardless of the chains on the door or not.

After securing the children on a dust filled bed, he began to explore. These people had been scientists or diggers but what had they been digging for? He stepped into a room that held the data he had been searching for.

There was a Hologram Voice Recorder covered in dust near a model of the solar system. He picked it up and attempted to turn it on but it seemed to be long dead. Using a bit of the magic that he had learned on his 412th 'jump', he booted the old thing up.

A hologram of a man in dusty clothes popped up but wavered a bit as though through a bad connection.

"This is Sergeant Harvey Xinc from Command R-12 reporting to whomever should find this," here the man paused as he looked worriedly over his shoulder at something that Jia Yi couldn't see, "The suns are setting! Lock the doors!"

The man seemed to be yelling or hissing at someone that wasn't on the hologram. Jia Yi was patient.

"We've landed and settled on a planet we've dubbed as Hell. It's a complete dead land. We first thought that maybe something was buried beneath these sands, something that could be salvaged. Our first attempt ended with three of our people vanishing from the line. Our second attempt ended with one dying and the other mortally wounded but still coherent. When we tried to get on the skiv to leave, we noticed that something had dug up beneath it and tore out the flooring. We couldn't leave the planet. If we could only hold out two more days, back up will be here. Unfortunately, I don't think we will.

Shut up, Laura! We're gonna fuckin die! No use sugar coatin' it for the kiddies," the man sneered to someone off to the side.

He looked back towards Jia Yi, or the device doing the recording. "There's an eclipse and these beings like the dark. They look human but they're not. Don't let them fool you. I've heard stories of vampires but I always thought they were legend until Marx came out of that hole and shouted nonsense about a human with razor teeth and all black eyes."

Surprisingly, loud banging noises could be heard from the hologram and the flinch that Harvey showed indicated that the planet had gone dark.

"I won't be makin' it off this planet. None of us are. There are thousands of these things underground and they ain't livin off of blood but flesh and meat. These ain't nothin like the Vampires we read about!"

There was a screeching sound of metal before Harvey looked up with panic filled eyes and then he was suddenly gone. The hologram ended there. Jia Yi stared with narrowed eyes at the piece of metal in his hand.

"Well, that sounded like a challenge. Do you know when the next eclipse is gonna take place," came a dry voice from behind.

Jia Yi looked over his shoulder to stare at his mate before glancing at the model of the solar system. He made sure to find samples and documents to conclude how many years ago these people had settled here.

7382 B.W.

Which meant it had been one-hundred and twenty nine years since these people had died. Jia Yi looked at the planets and begun spinning the dial to get the planets into an allignment. He watched the years pass by. At the sixty five year mark the planet went dark.. Which meant they were about to go dark again.

"Do you think you'll be able to fix the damage those things did to the skiv? I'll have to shine light at the bottom to prevent those things from using the hole they created. It's only a matter of time before they come for us like they did Zekerial."

"Yes. But you should watch the chil-," Maverick began but was cut off by twin screams and the sound of hurried footsteps.

Only the young boy came into view but the girl had stopped screaming. Jia Yi took off to the room, bypassing the child and leaving him for Maverick.

Jia Yi slid on the loose ground as he hit the doorframe and stared at the freshly made hole in the center of the room. A room that he had left dark to allow the children to cool down from the heat. Vaguely he heard the System deduct more points for being the person responsible for a Death again. He'd already lost over ten thousand because of his earlier slaughter and now a child.

He stumbled backwards into the heat and turned to vomit. This was the first time he was the reason a child was murdered. Jia Yi had seen dead children in his many lives but this had been his fault. She was dead because he hadn't thought to stay close. It had been obvious something was wrong with this planet, yet he pushed that aside for his curiosity.

Then there was three.

(Well, I got around to writing this chapter. I've got a raging migraine and I'm super not okay but I felt... inspired? Anyways, thank you to my Readers. You're the best. Honestly.) 

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