Extra: Lunch with 3rd Prince

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A/N: I'd just like to say that I've already come up with the 3rd Arc and I couldn't stop laughing. If any of you have read the Anita Blake Series.. Our MC is going into that world. I didn't want it to be 'copyright' though so I changed a bit of things and mixed some things from the 1st book with the 5th book and even some further ones.. Anyways, I haven't seen System BL where they had vampires and I assume it's because these are Chinese Novels and most are based around cultivation or historical china. Look forward to the 3rd Arc.. x,x

Zhong Yi was almost completely positive that Zhong San Su was Xie Kai. He was sitting across from the larger man and taking a sip of the drink this third prince had ordered for him; which happened to be his favorite tea the way he liked it. The smell of Jasmine wafted into his nose and he couldn't help but close his eyes and recall their life together. 

"First Brother, did those palace maids take all your food? How'd you get like this? You must've suffered inhumane torture," Zhong San reached across the table to grip Zhong Yi's hand that had just let go of the cup, "How about we go back and I'll have all those bad slaves executed. Your 2nd and 3rd brother will send over new and better servants. How about it?"

Zhong Yi really wanted to know what goes on in his Lover's head. Previously Xie Kai was a jokester and now he seemed to have upgraded his joking to the extent where he wasn't even trying to joke but everything he said sounded like one. 

The hidden guards were covered in cold sweat at the 3rd Prince's words and couldn't help but pray to any available God for mercy.

"Nn, I decided to not eat since the cause of my weight was poison in the first place. No need to worry about these things," he said. There was no point lying to his lover and if it was truly him, he'd not spread this news around except to their third. 

Zhong San gripped the table roughly which produced a few cracks in the wood and Zhong Yi lifted an eyebrow at his Lover's strength. 

"What do you mean, poisoned?!" His teeth were gritted so tightly that Zhong Yi wondered if he'd crack them. He frowned and leant forward to tap Zhong San's cheek repeatedly. 

When Zhong San realized that Zhong Yi wasn't going to answer but continued to poke his cheeks he couldn't hold his anger in. 

"What are you doing," he finally asked as he stared at his 1st brother.

"Ah. There. Now you won't hurt your teeth," Zhong Yi said before sitting back in his seat and bringing the cup of tea back to his mouth. The waiter brought their food and they began to eat. 

Once they were almost finished Zhong San tried to ask again about the poison.

"No worries. Naturally the person who poisoned me will receive it in kind," Zhong Yi answered before wiping his hands and standing up.

It may seem strange that after finding his lover he'd not spend more time with him but Zhong Yi was in love with both his lovers and spending time with only one felt wrong to him. He'd enjoy this brief moment but unless his second lover was with them it just didn't feel complete. Even subconsciously the 3rd prince also felt something not right. 

He'd already decided to immediately tell his 2nd brother all about the lunch he shared with the 1st prince. Zhong Yi said his goodbye and left the restaurant while Zhong San quickly said hello to the Manager of the store and hightailing it back to the palace.

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