Arc 2.15

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An Army that could rival the General's entire camp of five-hundred thousand began to appear on the horizon and the Guards standing watch at the Capital's City Gates hadn't noticed at first glance. It was an image that merely was shrugged off as a 'mirage' but as the group came closer and their individual silhouettes could be made out, many began to panic.

There hadn't been any word from the Northern Border but that didn't mean that the entire General's Army hadn't been eradicated without a messenger being capable of reaching the City to warn the Palace. Everyone was currently in mourning for the Emperor's early death and now there was an Army suddenly riding straight towards the Capital; of course the Guards were put on edge. 

The Captain of the Guard sent word to the Palace and the remaining warriors within the Capital gathered at the Gates. Captain of the Guard, Meng Lao, ordered the men to close the Gates before standing in suspense for the approaching storm sure to enshroud the City. However, when the men leading this Army could be identified, all the men standing Guard relaxed marginally. 

"First Prince, Second Prince, and Third Prince, if you had sent word we would've welcomed you with a bit more hospitable welcome," the Captain of the Guard jokingly said as he ordered the men to open the Gate for their entry. 

"Benwang apologizes, it was a sudden decision to return to the Capital. We were told of Emperor Father's untimely death," Third Prince answered amicably as he led his horse leisurely through the opened Gates.

All the Guards standing on the wall of the Gate were wondering why they had brought an entire Army with them just because of the Emperor's death. They didn't know that these weren't the men of the General's who were holding the Northern Front. It wasn't as though they had memorized all the faces within the Army and aside from that matter, it had been many years since they last saw those people. 

"My condolences, my Princes," he consoled and gave a bow befitting their royal lineage. They gave him a nod of acknowledgement but proceeded forward with their troops behind them. 

"Why did they bring the Army with them? Did we already win the war," wondered a random Guard. 

"We shouldn't question the reasons behind what our Princes do. Get back to work and stop using your time to speak rubbish," the Captain ordered before walking away. 

The random Guard scratched his bearded chin before shrugging and simply staring at the mass of soldiers riding on their horses into the Capital.

Word of the Army returning to the Capital sent the citizens into confusion as they walked from their dwellings wearing their mourning clothes. Some children waved to the Soldiers with wide grins and welcomed them back; not knowing that there was about to be a huge confrontation soon to take place. 

[Host, I found the information you wanted. I didn't even need to forge the papers! Here! These are the correspondences that foul lady sent to the Assassins Association within the Capital.]

Car hovered the papers in front of Zhong Yi which allowed him to view them without anyone else seeing it; if he touched them however, they would then be visible to the naked eye. He read them quickly and couldn't help but smirk. They were even better than he had originally hoped for. Zhong Yi had merely thought that he would at most find a letter saying that she wanted them to kill the Emperor. 

"Why are you laughing," Zhong Er asked as he noticed his Lovers strange smile and wild glint in his eyes. 

"You'll see," he answered with a laugh. They soon reached the palace and the Head Eunuch came forward in a flustered manner. 

"Your Highnesses, what brings you to the palace in such a fashion," he asked frantically. The Emperor had just passed and this Prince who had been stripped of his Crown Prince Title was now leading an army? What else would this poor Eunuch think?

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