Arc 7.7

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Jia Yi allowed himself to meditate and collect more Source Energy within his reserves for the battle soon to come. His children followed his lead and began to gather the energy needed to destroy the Vraqhs that infiltrated the planet. Carmen simply watched the passing buildings and ships as they sped forward to their destination.

He knew that his mates were already in battle due to their connection and could feel his own blood begin to pump furiously in anticipation. They were soon upon the scene of fighting and quickly disembarked from the ship to the land below. When Jia Yi landed the dirt covered floor indented from his force. 

"Help the soldiers fighting. I'll go find your Fathers."

Without waiting, Jia Yi sped forward to the pulsing warmth of his Mates. Source Energy covered both of his hands as he used it like a blade. Alphas and Betas in the surroundings seemed to pause as they saw a beautiful Omega join them in battle. Jia Yi moved like water as he glided across the ground similar to a panther. Green blood spewed from the Vrahqs he mowed down in his path towards his mates. 

He was suddenly blocked by a yellow Vrahq and it roared in fury at how many of the creatures Jia Yi had already taken out. Some of the surrounding Alphas shuddered in fright at the Omega being faced down by one of the leaders of the opposite side. An Omega held no place on a battlefield and they were usually safely stowed away at home during such confrontations. Those watching on from the side felt their heart constrict at the impending death of such a rare Omega.

Jia Yi merely disregarded those stares as he clicked the button on two of the swords he specially handcrafted for himself a long time ago. They were red in luster and glowed as though soaked in blood once he pushed his S.E. into them. His hair waved and whipped around him as his levels rose for the upcoming battle. He needed to get through this creature in order to get to the hole where he could feel his mates fighting.

"Come on," he gritted out between clenched teeth as the yellow Vrahq seemed to just want to stare him down. There was suddenly a shift of it's body and then it roared. The Vrahqs in the surroundings gave their own roars in response. It sounded more like a screech but the sound wave flung towards Jia Yi. He crossed his swords in front of his body, creating a shield, and the wave made his feet skid back a few steps on a grunt. 

Once the pressure let up he had to quickly dive out of the wave of a sharpened leg descending on him. It sank into the earth where he had previously stood. He pushed off the ground with as much force as he could and leapt towards the Vrahq in front of him. It looked like he wasn't able to land on top of it's body so he sank his blade into the hard outer armor of the creature and hung while trying to hoist himself up. Green and black blood oozed from the slightly dragged wound he'd just created. 

The Vrahq screeched in rage and attempted to fling Jia Yi off it's body but he hung on. On one of the outward sweeps he was able to fling himself up into the air, pulling his sword free and blood to spray before landing on top of the beast. He quickly stabbed both swords into the soft spot at the back of it's neck and yanked outwards. It's head still clung to it's body by the spine but it staggered under the death blow that it had taken. 

Jia Yi quickly ran on top of it's large body and pushed off as he aimed for that hole. He flew above the red Vrahqs surrounding the hole before he disappeared inside. An intense battle was happening below and it took him a second to allow his eyes to adjust in the darkness. Both his mates were fighting losing battles. He chose to assist his mate that was fighting the Queen's mate first since the Queen would be the most difficult to fight against. 

His mate looked over quickly when he sped towards his side. Jia Yi gathered Source Energy into his fist and swung out, using the speed to make the blow heavier than it originally would've been. The Mate ripped a hole in the webbing and clung on with it's front two claws but otherwise there wasn't any damage to it's exoskeleton.

"It's lovely to see you, my heart."

Jia Yi gave his mate a smirk before pulling one of his blades out again and shoving it into the struggling mate's soft neck. Before he could respond to his mate there was the sound of cracking behind him and he quickly rolled towards his mate and shoved them both aside. Green acidic spit landed on the web and the soon to be dead mate, eating away at both.

"Watch out for her acid," Yang Gui Du shouted as he moved towards his brother and mate. 

Han Wu quickly righted both himself and his little mate and got into a fighting stance. They watched as the Queen flickered in and out of space. It suddenly let out a shriek that was so loud it ended up bursting their eardrums. It would take them a few minutes to heal but they had no time to slack. Jia Yi formed a shield around them as they continued dodging and swinging at the Queen. It turned into a sort of mesmorizing dance that the three shared. One would fall back, build up their source energy, and then reengage the Queen when the other needed to fall back. Jia Yi made sure to protect them from all sides. 

Suddenly the queen did something that Jia Yi hadn't been expecting and Han Wu slipped from the webbing and fell towards the dark abyss below. Jia Yi quickly laid down and gripped his hand in his descent. The webbing was tearing where he was holding his mate up but his other mate was fending the Queen off. 

"I can't get a good enough grip to pull you up. The web is eating itself up," Jia Yi said in panic. 

"Let me go," Han Wu shouted as he watched the webbing beginning to unravel beneath his little Omega.


Jia Yi refused to allow his mate to die over something like letting him go. He reached inside of himself and gathered all the source energy he could, not noticing the source energy that was rising up from the roots deep below them. Time was running out and he could feel his other mate straining beneath the blows the Queen was dealing him.

Using all that he had inside of him, Jia Yi wrapped the three of them within a sort of bubble before blowing the rest of the Source Energy out. Everything was engulfed in white flames from the pure S.E. flowing into the surroundings. Everything went quiet but then a sudden explosion of sound echoed throughout a five mile radius and the bubble of protection saved the three from immediate combustion as it flung them from the hole. The bubble of protection shattered as the three were falling back to the planet. 

Jia Yi held on to conscious for merely a second after the shattering of his Source Energy before falling into the dark void of his mind.

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