Arc 4 Epilogue

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"Mom," Midori looked confused as she searched Jia Yi's face

"Where is this place," Motoki asked from his other side. 

Jia Yi was sort of freaking out at the moment. Just as he was about to say something, Car popped up in front of him.

[HOST! CAR HAS MISSED YOU SO MUCH! WUU WUU... Huh? Who are these two people, Host?]

Car had fallen to the ground and rolled around a bit when she saw the two other occupants in the room.

"Car.. these.. are my children?"

[Host you don't sound so sure.. Are these two interlopers who stalked you all the way back to the System Space?! They must be extremely strong to barge in here. Oh no, what'll you tell your Mates? This isn't good. Father Yses should defi-]

"Shut up for a minute, Car," Jia Yi said to stop Car's long rant bound to take place.

"Mom? How come you look different? You're human?"

Jia Yi looked over at his daughter and gave a drawn out sigh. What did he do this time?

"Midori, I'm just as confused as you are.. What you see right now is who I am. My soul has traveled to different worlds and been with your fathers in each one," Jia Yi began to explain.

"Does that mean we're human," Motoki asked in confusion.

"No. You're just you. It doesn't matter what you are; you'll always be my babies."

[Host, I should really send a report to Father Yses about this issue.]

"Okay. Maybe he knows what happened," Jia Yi responded. 

Car flashed away and Jia Yi told his children everything about his original world and about meeting the god of his solar system, ending with giving birth to them and entering the System Space. 

"Any questions," Jia Yi asked.

"I'm pretty sure you covered it all," Midori responded with a laugh.

"Can you guys tell me how you got here?"

"All I remember is standing in front of the Cave that you, Father and Dad went into but I was suddenly free falling and hit the floor in here," Motoki answered.

"Same here," Midori agreed.

"You guys were forced here after we died? I don't understand how that's possible.."

"Of course it's possible," a voice answered from the door that had just appeared. It was the same door that Yses had entered at the very beginning and there he stood.

Midori blinked her eyes numerous times at the very attractive man who had stepped into the room, before blushing shyly. Jia Yi chuckled at his daughter before returning his attention to Yses.

"How? And what happened to their bodies back on that world?"

"It's possible because of who you are. You are an outside force entering these worlds and if you create a new life within it, that new life is attached to you. Think of your children like the planets that belong to me as a God. I created these planets and they're an extension of myself. The life forms within those planets are free to exist anywhere they wish, however, the planets themselves belong to me and will follow me wherever I go."

"Wouldn't that make me some type of God?"

"In a sense, you sort of became a minor God. You created souls." He inclined his head to the two people sitting next to Jia Yi before continuing, "Those two, are yours and your mates own creation. You formed them from pieces of the Source Energy within your Soul. Most times, during pregnancy, the mother isn't strong enough to form a soul for their child and the world will automatically recycle a soul within the baby's body. You know this as reincarnation.

As for what happened to their bodies back on that planet... a clone was made by the corrective forces within that universe and their clones will act, talk, and look exactly the same as the true forms. Those-" he pointed to Jia Yi's two children, "-are their real bodies. Only you have remained a soul since your body had been destroyed within your original world. They will follow you into your worlds and their bodies will automatically change to accumulate to the surroundings."

"They won't retain their demonic traits within the worlds?"

The children were patiently listening to what Yses had to say as Jia Yi kept clarifying and making sure everything would be alright with his children.

"If the world has Demons within, they can retain their true forms. Since they are also a part of your soul, they can also tap into the System and access your System Space that holds your money; for safety purposes of course. Before I forget, Car is now able to take a human form. Please take care of this child."

Yses turned and vanished before they could talk some more and Car began bouncing around as though she were trying to hide somewhere.

"Oh? You can take human form now? Why have you stayed as a metal ball?"

[Host, please don't tease me. Car is much cuter in this form!]

"Well, we won't know unless you show us, correct?"

Car paused and then, with a flash of light, transformed into her human form. Jia Yi was shocked and so was Motoki; Midori blinked a few times and stared wide eyed at the beauty standing shyly in front of them.

Her hair was similar to cotton candy and her light violet eyes were perpetually watery as she stared back at the three other occupants of the room with nervousness.

"CUTEEEEEEE," Midori shouted as she jumped up and ran to the other girl within the room and began pinching her cheeks.

"Wuu! Hurts! Hurts!" Car complained as her cheeks began to turn red from all the pinching.

Motoki turned to his Mother and ignored the other two in the room. 

"Mother... where is Father and Dad?"

Jia Yi turned to his son with a sad look and explained everything about his Fathers. He listened attentively and finally said something.

"You have gone through a lot, Mother. You won't need to be alone anymore," Motoki said as he scooted closer to his Mother and gave him a hug. "Thank you for creating Midori and I. If what that Yses guy says is true, you must've really wanted children to create souls. You made us in every sense of the word. So, thank you for giving us life."

"Yeah! Thanks mom. You're the most kick ass mom in all the Universe! Who can honestly say that their mom used Minor God power to create your soul?"

Midori had popped up out of nowhere and held Car on her lap as she thanked Jia Yi.

Jia Yi felt the exhaustion set in and said, "You both can do whatever you want. Your mother needs his rest for a while."

"Okay. I'll wake you at nine," Motoki answered with a shrug.

"There's no sun to tell the time," Midori said to her brother.

Motoki rolled his eyes before answering, "I've gotten up at nine exactly for almost a millennium due to Mother. I know when nine is; if I'm not wrong, it should be in another 5 hours and 33 minutes until nine a.m."

"That's what I'm getting as well," Jia Yi said on a yawn. He closed his eyes as he listened to his children muttering to one another with Car pitching in every now and then, and then he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

 He closed his eyes as he listened to his children muttering to one another with Car pitching in every now and then, and then he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face

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Carmen (AKA. Car)

A/N: My wrists are killing me and I feel a nap coming on. Hope you Enjoyed.

System: Transcending Happiness (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora